Why am I so depressed?

aye how ya doin im giovanni from brooklyn and im more depressed then a cripled old lady with no teeth ‘’capiche’’ I dont know whats a matta with me im a depressed f-u-ck since the lst couple a months and I dont enjoy nothin anymore, I use ta enjoy havin sex with m broad but lately I wouldnt even enjoy f-u-ckin paris hilton fuhgedaboudit. maybe ya could help me out with some f-u-ckin advice maybe for confidence and happyness I would dearly apreciate it ‘’capiche’’

Answer #1

just stay positive. do things that used to make you so happy. go to a theme park, buy yourself something nice, surprise you’re girlfriend with a hot date. BUT if you’re thinking of hurting yourself get medical help.

Answer #2

Hi. I think you are going through depression because of something that might be occuring in your life. Maybe a family or friend or school issue. Just try to be the best person you can be.

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