How can I make my own mobile websites?

There is a term you might have heard that Mobile Websites. It is those kind of websites which are accessible through mobile hand sets. Its formats are different that the normal websites. I am interested to earn some money by creating my own mobile websites and with the google adsense. Can anyone guide me how to create my own mobile websites?

Answer #1


You have to make the scripts ready for online through a mobile.

The main PHP script:

  1. Changes all URLs to “mobile”-ized URLs.
  2. Strips all linefeeds, carriage returns, and tabs.
  3. Trims multiple spaces down to one (HTML doesn’t recognize more than one space in a row).
  4. Changes any anchored images with alt text to plain text anchors.
  5. Strips all stylesheets, images, inline styles, scripts, and comments (including RDF).
  6. Tells search engine robots not to index or crawl the mobile version of the site so as to not create duplicate listings.
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