Why am I falling for jackasses?

the problem is 3 month ago I liked this guy I told my bff & she told me all he wants is sex, which is true, so I stay away from him & im over him now

& now I like this boy & she sais the same thing [dont know if it is or not] & this morning he comes by & spank me & said he liked my a**… my bff tells me not to let him touch me or he’ll take advantage. but I really like him, more then the last one.

I flirted with him & he tried to grab me… I looked at him & he just smiled & tells me im cute

I never dated before & never had a boy tell me im cute with a serious face… I didnt know what to do

what am I suppose to do?

why am I fallin for jackasses?

anyone can help? please

Answer #1

thx everyone today I saw himm hitting on another girl. so… Im taking those advice & wait for the right one ^_^ Thx a lot

I feel gorgeous again

Answer #2

it sounds like he doesn’t have much respect for you. you’re probably falling for the jackasses because they are master manipulators and the experts at telling a girl what she wants to hear. don’t let them fool you, there is a guy out there who wants you not only because you have a hot booty.

Answer #3

that does not sound very respectful at ALL and dont go out with him because you will feel horrible and used like a sex toy when the relationship is over… find a cute guy that likes YOU and your body that you can connect with emotionally that RESPECTS you or you’ll regret it

Answer #4

Eh yeh like others said doesnt sound like he has too much respect… Maybe if you really like him try and talk to him and tell him not to do that but most of the guys out there only want sex but there are good ones you just gotta find the right ones… the ones that dont talk about sex the ones that dont grab you unless you want them too.. the ones that are going to RESPECT you. Dont fall for the losers.

Answer #5

dont date him. I think that he is a player. fine a guy that likes you not your body

Answer #6

DON’T DATE HIM…he is not respectting you and he is just going to try and get in your pants you sound like a really sweet girl and you deserve better then that. Guys should not be touching you like that unless you want them to be and then even then I would say you both should be at least sixteen witch is the legal age and what not.

There will be other men many others so wait and dont do anything till you find a nice one.

Good Luck darkwolf

Answer #7

Maybe you just like bad boys. =P

But don’t go for them. xP

Answer #8

i dated one… he dumped me three days l8r

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