Questions & Answers

  1. How come the Dean QSE supreme acoustic electric guitar was discontinued?
  2. Why were people worrying about 1/11/11?
  3. How do I get the pictures from my Droid to my Dell laptop using the USB cord?
  4. What do I do if my girlfriend was attacked, or worse - raped?
  5. Does exercise really tighten up that loose skin after birth?
  6. What would cause you to have ridges in your fingernails?
  7. Why did my breasts decrease from a size C to an A after giving birth?
  8. What are the circumstances under which an excommunicated Catholic can be readmitted into the church, if at all?
  9. Do you believe in the benefits of knowing your BMI?
  10. How can I learn to dunk by 9th grade?
  11. Who remembers the most frustrating or devastating time of their teen years?
  12. Can you watch live Ustream videos on an Android?
  13. How do you do the dance "Beyonce Wine" or something like that?
  14. What kind of shorts are good for gym class and to wear under my school skirt as well without showing?
  15. What is the best fast but healthy food drive through?
  16. Why are the republicans represented by an elephant, and the democrats by a donkey?
  17. Why does my webcam not work on msn on my hp 2133 mininote?
  18. What does the word "Democratic" mean?
  19. Why didn't the world end yesterday?
  20. Where do Nikes and Jordans originate from?
  21. Where can I download Toejam and Earl to my mobile, or play online?
  22. How to deal with a bad math teacher?
  23. How to get nail polish out of a comforter fast?
  24. What would you do if Michael Myers was coming after you?
  25. How do you install elastic into clothing?
  26. How do you install a zipper into some sort of material?
  27. How come when I write a new FunMail it NEVER sends?
  28. What is the right name for an interior design shop?
  29. What is your favorite thing about being a parent?
  30. Can someone explain Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" to me?
  31. How exactly would you make a green screen?
  32. What is possible for this submachine gun?
  33. What alcohol, activities and snacks should I get for my 21st Birthday Party?
  34. What should I do to get rid of this horrible feeling when I know I'm going to fail chemistry tomorrow?
  35. What hairstyle is good for naturally "crimped hair"?
  36. Should I go back to get my GED?
  37. What do famous people do all day?
  38. What episode of "Secret Life of the American Teenager" do Amy and Ben get married?
  39. How come I'm not getting alerts?
  40. How do I update my status?
  41. Can I add someone who was a blackberry on bbm, who is halfway across the world?
  42. Do you think that media plays a role in the way society is?
  43. Why is it a bad idea to put weed killer on your vegetable garden?
  44. Where can I find pictures of Karen Gillan in the tv series "Coming Up"?
  45. Why is it always the same suggested members?
  46. How can I decrease the swelling and pain of an abscess in my cheek?
  47. What are the voltage readings for copper and magnesium in these fruits (cont'd)?
  48. What are some ways to keep my Cat clean without him taking a Bath?
  49. Can you have heart (Chest) pain /burn due to lack of water intake ?
  50. How can I encounter nuclear radiation?
  51. What would you do if part of your back itches and your hand can not reach it?
  52. Can a 19 year old go back to high school if they dropped him out?
  53. Why does my cat bite me when she cuddles?
  54. How come you have to have enough points to add a comment?
  55. Is it better to go for your dreams or let them go for putting your focus more on your education?
  56. Does this picture remind anybody of themselves when they were stuck in their cigarette addiction?
  57. How many people on this website have quit smoking thanks to the today's technology cigarettes?
  58. How many people on this website know about the electronic cigarettes?
  59. Do swim caps actually work?
  60. Is gold good to invest in?
  61. Can an 18 year old go to a foster home?
  62. How can I make the side of my face look pretty?
  63. Do lotions/moisturizers ever expire?
  64. How long can you keep perfume stored for and what's the best way to store it?
  65. What can I send to someone who is away in jail to make them happy? I've sent pictures, letters, books..but I need more creatie ideas please &thanks!!
  66. What can I do if my baby's father doesn't help with caring for our child?
  67. Where can I find the song in that new "above the influence" commercial?
  68. Would it be foolish to attempt to start a Paranormal investigation club at my local community college?
  69. What should I focus on if I want to donate blood?
  70. What are your views on texting and driving?
  71. How do you fix a turned out bra?
  72. Should I be worried that my wife is into wearing thigh high boots and mini skirts when she goes out lately?
  73. Is it normal to be afraid of the dark at an older age?
  74. Is there a phobia for being afraid of public bathrooms?
  75. Is the French inch longer or shorter than the British inch?
  76. What kind of curling iron would I need to curl really long hair?
  77. What is meant when girls say "mine is 32 c or b"?
  78. Are there cultures or whatever where women generally have facial hair?
  79. How much are the Verizon Blackberry's in stores?
  80. Why is it almost impossible to qualify for welfare?
  81. What makes U.S. welfare different from European welfare?
  82. What are some easy words or sentences that I can learn in french or any other foreign language?
  83. How can I change my Google Chrome settings to UK spellings?
  84. How can I stop doodling all through class?
  85. Why can't we sell our bodies to science before we die?
  86. Where can I get a hat kinda like John Marston's in "Red Dead Redemption"?
  87. What does it mean when people say that they see colors as moods or vibes?
  88. How can I make myself start going back to school, and keep going to school?
  89. Who knows anything about night school and getting into it?
  90. What is a fee waiver and what does "waiver" mean?
  91. How do I stop my cat from peeing on my things when she's mad?
  92. Are we starting global cooling?
  93. How much does an ice cream maker cost?
  94. How do you screen print things onto a shirt?
  95. What is the best way to clean my iPod touch screen?
  96. What are some poems that Emily Dickinson wrote?
  97. Should 16 year olds in Scotland be trusted with the amount of responsibility they have?
  98. How many guys think yellow teeth are a turn off if the girl can't do anything about the yellowness?
  99. Does dog hair grow at the same rate as human hair (about half an inch a month)?
  100. Why does it hurt between some of my teeth?