Questions & Answers

  1. What is better for breath-ability for your pores - liquid foundation or loose mineral foundation powder?
  2. Can anyone tell me how to cleanse my home of negative energy?
  3. Can somebody tell me a great true, but horrifying, story?
  4. What are these little spots on my forehead that are the same colour as my skin?
  5. What do you know about Macys Cosmetics department?
  6. What foundation is good for dry and sensitive skin?
  7. Who knows if I can go to the second year of an AAT qualification?
  8. Can you get high from body spray such as Axe?
  9. How does a loss of a parent affect a child's development?
  10. What could be the cause of my foot "falling asleep"?
  11. Do you all think that 65 murders for the year is enough for a government to say the Crime rate is high in a country?
  12. Are there any Federal grants or scholarships from the U.S. Gov for students studying internationally?
  13. Is piano a difficult instrument to learn by yourself?
  14. Are there any dance auditions in Nottingham for a dance academy?
  15. Which place do you think is hottest for summer vacation?
  16. Which country do you think is good for shopping?
  17. What was going on with my radio?
  18. How can I sing in tune and play a guitar riff at the same time?
  19. Can teachers add you on Call of Duty?
  20. Can a person make slideshows of videos on YouTube about video game wallpapers?
  21. Should I colour my hair for World's Greatest shave?
  22. Is it dangerous to give out your Blackberry pin?
  23. Is it common to get a "natural high" feeling when up late, but not exercising for the feeling?
  24. Who is the model in the picture?
  25. Does stretching make my muscles look smaller because they've been stretched out??
  26. What books have an incest theme?
  27. What does the word "peng" mean?
  28. What do you say to people who think what you say is always about them?
  29. How would I address a letter that is leaving the USA?
  30. Can a person fax a company with out a fax machine?
  31. How would you go about picking the right computer monitor?
  32. What are the negative sides of having relatives in your house with your children around?
  33. What happens if you accidently eat expired chocolate?
  34. What is the fastest (in terms of most cc) engine/car out there?
  35. Where is the hearth where rice started?
  36. What is the term that describes someone whose opinion is more highly regarded because they have experience?
  37. What is the country song about an old man sitting on the side of the road selling some kind of food and giving advice?
  38. How do you have an out of body experience and how long does it last for?
  39. What should happen to people who abuse the elderly in the nursing home, because they are defenceless?
  40. What's your favourite flavour of Kool-Aid?
  41. What makes chocolate less rich when it's frozen?
  42. Does dying your leg hair help make it lighter and is it safe?
  43. What do you think of this poem "Gay Pride"?
  44. Why is Mario the "symbol" for Nintendo?
  45. Why doesn't he want me to go to the rave?
  46. What's the average typing speed for a 12/13 year old?
  47. Where is mac makeup originally made, i.e. "made in china"?
  48. Is it true that abstaining from alcohol may lead to a shorter life?
  49. Why are eating fruits good?
  50. What would you do if you see this person in a restaurant got choked and seemed out of breath?
  51. Can someone help me with problems I'm having trying to download Adobe Flash?
  52. How do I fix my T.V. that says "no signal" after half an hour of watching on component 1?
  53. Would any tattoo place be able to tattoo a person's lip or would I need to go somewhere special?
  54. How do you wake someone up who absolutely refuses to get out of bed but has to?
  55. Do you drink to get drunk or drink to have a good time and know your limits?
  56. Does anybody know a good remedy to make my throat feel better after having my tonsils taken out 9 days ago?
  57. What do you do when you have eaten peanuts and you're about to go out with someone who's got allergies?
  58. Why do I need to mail my personal information out to verify my credit card?
  59. What font does the Burger King logo use?
  60. What are some good Disney songs to sing for the spring concert?
  61. What are some cool facts on Russia?
  62. How can I really act like "Peach Blosssom" when auditioning for Midsummer's Night Dream?
  63. How do I get my mic on my computer to be louder?
  64. Why do some people lie about their age knowing it has to come out one way or another in a relationship?
  65. Should I go with the car I like, or the one that's more practical?
  66. Why did my olive oil change colour?
  67. Would taking 3 to 4 Vicodin be bad?
  68. What is a good college in the United States to go to to become a pediatrician?
  69. Can someone please help me get the answers to this review book?
  70. Which side do I wear my garter on for the Yukon Sourdogh Rendevous?
  71. Why does funadvice keep telling me people who are newly following me no longer exist here?
  72. What national anthem do you like the best?
  73. What's the cheapest ticket to get from Southern CA, to Texas - by train or plane?
  74. What do I do if my orange winged amazon (parrot) is pulling his feathers out?
  75. Do women ever worry that photos, or videos they send to their partner could be viewed by other people?
  76. What do mice dream about?
  77. What are some job success strategies?
  78. What do you think of high school dropouts?
  79. How did "I am going to" turn into "fixento"?
  80. Can you use "ain't" as a word now on school papers?
  81. Who here like compilations of music with bagpipes in them?
  82. What are the steps to getting into medical school if you have higher than a 2.0 but lower than a 3.0?
  83. What would you need to study in university to have a degree in song writing?
  84. Why is Nutella so good?
  85. Why aren't more people equating the war money with the firing of teachers and closing of schools?
  86. Is it true that men in eastern States only like women with light skin tones and light hair?
  87. Who hates when people post their every move on a site?
  88. What is it called the way that Hayley Williams put the blonde under her fringe and under the whole of her hair?
  89. Are Australian people racist?
  90. What can be done if my husband gets piles only a few times per year?
  91. How do you say "soda" In South Dakota?
  92. Do iPad apps take up a lot of memory generally and can you delete them?
  93. When did other people started believing in other religions?
  94. Why wouldn't I be seeing any results after several weeks of working out?
  95. Is there a software for adding world clocks to your desktop?
  96. Why are guys so sweet and do they get sweeter in high school?
  97. What are one of your insecurities about yourself?
  98. How is dark chocolate better for you than regular chocolate?
  99. What's these little scrape/burns/missing skin above my facial piercings?
  100. How tall was Abraham Lincoln and how old was he when he passed away?