Questions & Answers

  1. How do you get rid of a pimple fast?
  2. Doesn't my period mean I'm not pregnant?
  3. Am I OK looking?
  4. Does Google AdSense really pay you?
  5. How do I get over my ex?
  6. What's Corbin's email address?
  7. would you finance your family members house for free?
  8. What are some essay writing tips?
  9. Why am I always crying?
  10. How to get my Mom to realize he's not the one?
  11. How to handle very controlling parents?
  12. Will a tongue piercing affect my speech?
  13. What is the best way to handle this teacher?
  14. What should I do when I'm pissed off?
  15. How to handle difficult foster children?
  16. How to stop email?
  17. Where do moose originate from?
  18. If love is an ice cream, what's its flavor?
  19. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
  20. What's the name of this song?
  21. Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner?
  22. What is your favorite thing to have for breakfast?
  23. What's the easiest way to lose weight?
  24. Who wants to be Myspace friends?
  25. What would you bring if stranded on an island?
  26. How much damage have I put my body through?
  27. Do call center agents need stress management?
  28. What does this attention from my ex mean?
  29. Do I give up the trip of a lifetime to please my father?
  30. Can I drink something to fill myself up but not gain weight?
  31. Where can I get a piercing underage in Camden?
  32. Does death come in threes?
  33. What is up with visible pantylines?
  34. How can I start trusting my boyfriend again?
  35. How do I talk to my parents?
  36. How to get a tongue piercing without my parents knowing?
  37. How to get her to like me?
  38. What's a good brand of bra for big breasts?
  39. What do these bad omens mean?
  40. Would a guy mind if I guide him a little bit?
  41. How can I unlock an iPhone?
  42. When should I make out with my girlfriend?
  43. How to get on Myspace on a school computer?
  44. Do you know any sites that provide free books for reading?
  45. How to get on Myspace on a school computer?
  46. How far in should my tampon go?
  47. What rehab program for a ruptured Achilles tendon?
  48. Why is my best friend rushing to get married?
  49. Which is the best laptop available?
  50. What's the best oral contraceptive pill?
  51. Does anyone know anything about Wicca or witchcraft?
  52. Which is the best TREO?
  53. Does this mesothelioma mass tort campaign mean anything?
  54. Is it bad to cry over jealousy in a relationship?
  55. What if I find out my sister is on drugs?
  56. Which is better: walking or running?
  57. How can my friend legally see his baby?
  58. Where to order Adderall online?
  59. What to do after a guy is finished?
  60. Can taking these pills hurt me?
  61. What are jobs for a 13-year-old?
  62. Why do people get wedgies?
  63. Am I breaking a law online?
  64. What to do to fill the hole after high school running?
  65. Are there free downloads to play the Sims?
  66. Why am I always cold?
  67. Should I go out with this older guy?
  68. Is it weird that I have black hair on my tummy and my chin?
  69. Who wants to be my diet buddy?
  70. Can I dye my hair extensions?
  71. How many guy have you ever dated?
  72. Could I be a lesbian?
  73. How to make sure my boyfriend doesn't get in trouble?
  74. How to get a guy to kiss you?
  75. How do I turn him on?
  76. What do I get my boyfriend for Christmas?
  77. How to deal with our differing views on abortion?
  78. How to get the wrong hair color out?
  79. Is there another way to know if I'm pregnant?
  80. How can a girl get tone up?
  81. What to give to my girlfriend?
  82. Why doesn't Eminem make new songs?
  83. Can I get into any of these colleges/universities?
  84. How do I get rid of bad acne?
  85. What makes you feel happy?
  86. How to I get back on my diet?
  87. How do you meet good friends?
  88. When should I take a pregnancy test?
  89. Is it possible to develop feelings for someone you met online?
  90. What are some good ways to m*sturbate?
  91. Did I do a dumb thing?
  92. Why does my hand hurt when I bike?
  93. How can I lose weight in one week?
  94. What are health benefits of apple cider vinegar?
  95. What type of music makes plants grow faster?
  96. What to buy a crush for Christmas?
  97. How do I know when he's serious and when he's playing with my head?
  98. How to stop being so scared of my Dad?
  99. Who likes Papa Roach?
  100. Should I make a group about sharing religious beliefs?