Sex Questions

  1. how do guys decide?
  2. Something seems inappropriate
  3. Why is the only thing on peoples mind is ?
  4. 13 and possibly pregnant.
  5. "would you rather?"
  6. Quiz! Just for Fun :)
  7. My Unhappy Hair
  8. How can I make my girlfreind cum quicker?
  9. Do you let Jesus Christ save you from evil?
  10. What To Do, What To Do... I Really Hope I'm Not Pregnant...
  11. Nervous and young
  12. Why is everyone doing it when their my age?
  13. having this nasty discharge I dunno why
  14. how early can I tell
  15. Why is this 18 year old pressuring me into taking my virginity?
  16. pregnant at 14 :|
  17. sexual harrasment?
  18. sexual help.
  19. Inny or outyy
  20. Ultimate question
  21. What is sexy on a medium complexed black girl
  22. What age?
  23. Which brother?
  24. Is this STD?
  25. What should I do? Will he talk to me again?
  26. girlzzz what is the best time to have sex with a lower % of preg?
  27. what are some cool ways to masterbate?
  28. How can I orgasm
  29. Good chance of being pregnant at 14
  30. Slutty Sister.
  31. Am I gay for this?
  32. How much would it take
  33. Addicted to porn?
  34. I said something wrong? now what?
  35. Is it okay to get your period the day after sex?
  36. I am 15 days early on my period
  37. How can I make fingering fun?
  38. Trying not to be trashy
  39. So confused...don't know if im losin it
  40. Should the age of consent laws be made more liberal and lowered?
  41. Rumor about rape?
  42. Period still isn't here
  43. whats the deal?
  44. I think I'm pregnant...
  45. what is rong with some teens???
  46. whats the line
  47. why do people say all that men...
  48. does anyone know how to interpret dreams?
  49. Gaaa what to say?
  50. girls what do you think
  51. HELP.
  52. this is MY opinion
  53. Why do people have sex so young.
  54. Do I hv STD?
  55. So, Im unsure what to do
  56. I cant get turned on!
  57. I think I mite have a STD!! =(
  58. What is the best way to masturbate (girls only)?
  59. need motivation... stay single
  60. am I or can I get pregnant on my 3rd day of my period??
  61. Light bleeding in bright red ?
  62. What is you're reaction...
  63. masturbait
  64. Do you think im pregnant?
  65. When you see the opposite sex.
  66. guilty after masterbation.
  67. Did I get blue balls?
  68. best women
  69. how can I stop masturbating?
  70. whats the nastiest thing you have ever done (sexually)?
  71. question for a frendz sake! :)
  72. when do you no?
  73. What looks sexy on guys ?
  74. Hey does anybody know where I can find a picture...
  75. Is she my real friend
  76. is diarrhea a sign of pregnancy?
  77. Whats this mean?
  78. Sexy or not?
  79. Am I prego?? I need help please answer my ?
  80. Boy and girl problem
  81. Why is my friend being so violently sick when he remembers?
  82. Is he really interested?? Lads question aswell!
  83. I have all the symtoms as if I was pregnant but I never had sex
  84. My mom disgusts me
  85. Boyfriend in prison???need help!!!
  86. I fell far waway from god
  87. My boyfriend wants to try anal
  88. Can't get pregnant
  89. Peeing and squirting
  90. I'm scared it will hurt or not fit
  91. Is it bad or normal to think about having sex with people?
  92. help me please!!!
  93. advice on first time?
  94. I'm Not Ready
  95. Sperm in water
  96. is fingering the only way?
  97. giving blood
  98. Pregnant or is my body playing tricks on me?
  99. Sexy Sensual Music
  100. good masterbating tips for girl