Do you let Jesus Christ save you from evil?

My monogamous partner in romantic love left me for various reasons after twenty years and I have not found a substitute willing to love in a manner of fidelity for various reasons. When I focus on Jesus Christ I forget the evil thoughts and feelings that come with my desire to regain my lost platonic and romantic and erotic relationship with my past love. When lustful sexual evils for a woman flare up in me, Jesus Christ is my fan who cools me down before other flames of evil begin that require the water of guilt to quench, and I survive as a Christian alone with God. Do you let Jesus Christ save you from worse evils that could leave you feeling regretful, or criminal, or even like an animal beyond human nature?

Myself as a Protestant I thank also the Catholic Church for it’s simple teachings of sins derived from the bible based on human nature, and I appreciate the American Credos. Then I know there remains hope for civilisation when all love seems lost.

Answer #1

I DID let Jesus Christ save me from sin and eternal fate sealed when I accepted Him as Lord and Savior - I have been bought with a price, His blood on the cross covering my sins to be remembered ‘no more’, Amen !! Merry Christmas !!

Answer #2

Jesus Christ is alive and well, and yes, he is able to perserve us, sinless… before God, thru the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

Answer #3

Jesus watches my every move. Alright my every own stalker. O wait. Man he a pervert

Answer #4

“To hear many religious people talk, one would think God created the torso, head, legs and arms but the devil slapped on the genitals.” Don Schrader

Answer #5

“He exists in everything and in everyone… He sees every your move…he sees you all the time..while you sleep, study…whatever you do he is seeing you…”

Thats not creepy at all.


“But I belive he is real and he exist but not like a peace of meat..”

Catholics might disagree with you on that point.

Answer #6

No jesus is dead.

Secondly. Sexual thoughts are not evil they are natural. Why be afraid them. Just don’t become a rapist or something. Sex is not evil its natural. Why do christians want to repress all that. As long as 2 consenting adults, preferably protected, then so be it.

Answer #7

Faith and Love! If you love and honor him he will love and honor you back. If you dont… then dont expect to recieve any REAL blessings in your life!

Answer #8

No, because having been dead for 2000 years, he’s not likely to come to my rescue. Besides, I don’t exactly encounter ‘evil’ in my everyday life.

Answer #9

* Do you let Jesus Christ save you from worse evils that could leave you feeling regretful, or criminal, or even like an animal beyond human nature?

Humans are animals. Before religion was invented, people pretty much just had guilt-free sex with whoever turned them on. If you quit believing all the Jesus stuff, you won’t feel guilty in the first place, and so you won’t need Jesus to save you from your no longer existent guilt.

Answer #10

Yes! I do let Jesus calm me down whenever I start thinking evil thoughts that shouldn’t be in my mind. I try to keep up on my scripture reading which I haven’t been doing that everyday which I should. As a Mormon that believes in Jesus Christ, I have a tendency to feel guilty whenever I start thinking about sexual and lustful thoughts but, I know that Jesus will provent me from doing that. So far, so good! I haven’t been thinking about that stuff. I’m proud of him and will always be.

Answer #11

Jesus is real!!! He used to be allive, but then he resurrect and now he exist but he is not like in a human or allive…He exists in everything and in everyone… He sees every your move…he sees you all the time..while you sleep, study…whatever you do he is seeing you… But I belive he is real and he exist but not like a peace of meat..(body)

Answer #12

Jesus paid a big price for you to have a relationship/fellowship with God. It is through his word that you can deal with whatever evil comes to your door in whatever shape it takes. Evil is all around us. You can be tempted to sin but through reading and knowing God’s word you can resist the Devil and he will flee. Does he keep evil at bay? He doesn’t control others actions. But you can control yours. God Bless.

Answer #13

I don’t believe Jesus is alive today, if he ever existed at all. So no.

Answer #14

According to Harvard University studies, male sexual reproductive organs and prostate can develop cancer as somehow related to sexual activity. Hence, to dream naturally about what is “acceptable” to your consideration of being a human being is to ejaculate in a healthy quality way as if the real thing perhaps. So I think there is a value in learning about the death of Jesus Christ as a means of preventing sin and repentence from sin, a moral means of distracting a man from his sexual desires in a manner consistent with Normal Vincent Peales suggestions for gaining positive spiritual motivation. Patience is a virtue and if you’re an officer then a good dose of capsaicin to the eyes can prevent you from soiling your underwear. Harvard studies help me to think positively too, and we all like to do that on :)

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