13 and possibly pregnant.

okay. I am 13 and I mite be pregnant. my boyfriend is 15 and we both have thought about it and have taken resposibility for our actions and would like to keep this baby since we made this choice and yes he WAS wearing protection and it busted so dont use that against me. I know people say at 13 your not mature enough to have a kid but you dont know me. I am abused sexually, physically, and mentally. and I had to mature at an early age my dad is 41 and my mom divorced him because he never grew up or matured. he acts like he’s 2 so I had to grow up fast. I think like my 21 year old dads pregnant girlfriend and yes there is a 20 year difference. so what do you think?

Answer #1

If you can get help I think its a good idea to keep it. Yes, I do thirteen is to young to have sex but your chose and you owed up to everything that happened. It is possible you are mature enough but is he because if hes not he might leave. I hope he stays. I hope you guys have a good life

Answer #2

yes your really young but you now people do say your young and stuff but if you think you can do it well then go ahaid im 15 and 2months pregnant its ok just next time go on like birth control or something and use protection and yes I now mistakes hapend but its ok =] good luck =]

Answer #3

well yeah, you’re young, but what’s done is done si wish you the best of luck and hope all goes well with you, your boyfriend, your baby and your parents… congratulations and good luck…

Answer #4

Uh…you AREN’T mature enough at 13 to have a kid.

It’s not a matter of opinion, more like fact. Sorry.

You will in no way be able to support yourself financially with this kid. Neither can your boyfriend.

However, you at least owned up to it.

Answer #5

Don’t hold it against you? Did you go get the morning after pill (plan B)? Obviously not…

All 13-year-olds think they’re mature, but I know some very mature 19-year-olds and they are still struggling to raise a baby. You don’t know how hard raising a baby properly actually is. Where are you getting all the money from? Babies are VERY expensive, especially this day in time. Where are you getting the money to get all the diapers and formula almost every single day, who’s paying for the medical bills when your baby gets sick? No 13 and 15 year old can afford a baby.

You weren’t responsible enough to go get Plan B when the condom broke yet you think you’re responsible enough to raise a child?

Answer #6

I think you should think about everyhtink first like really think. money? and YOUR life, what about your grade? will you still go to school? will your mother stand by you? will you boyfriend be there for the rest of that childs life? can you give the child the life it needs? will you be able to cope with a baby, a boyfriend,money & school? you really need to think about this, beacuse it could ruin your whole life. what job are/was you looking to get, would you still be able to do that whislt looking after a child also when you are at school if you go who will look after your baby?

Answer #7

yeah sorry, but you’re not mature enough at 13. even the most mature people are still growing up and learning how the world works. if you are being abused, do you really want to bring a baby into that world? if you are pregnant, and you would love (or at least respect) your child, you would put it up for adoption. I’m sorry but there is no way at 13 you could handle having a baby.

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