I said something wrong? now what?

I’ve been in a relationship (my first real one) for almost 2 months now. We are both in college…Anyway we have been having some problems the last couple days.

This is what happend: My closest friend and her boyfriend just broke up and she is doing rather poorly. Naturally this freaked me out. He was such a nice perfect guy and we all liked him. He cheated on her…So I hear her crying on the phone to me all night.

Then I talked to my boyfriend. I’m a really really sympathic person especially towards my friends. Anyway I was rather down and I was saying stuff like “ Maybe this should just end sooner vs later so it doesnt hurt as much.” Well after awhile he was like fine its over if thats whatt you want to be happy. next, I told him that’s not what I want and we just decided to talk about it the next day.

We did and he was saying “ we are through this is over, alls I can be is your friend” I told him about my close friend…and how I just freaked out and was insecure. We got back together.

Then today we see eachother and we acted just fine. But later I kissed him goodbye before I went to class. After that we went to my house like we usually do. He told me that he didnt feel anything when I kissed him earlier. I was very hurt and almost crying. I assume he felt bad because he said lets try again. we did and we made out. everything seemed fine. but then I asked him if this is where he wanted to be. he got up and was really angry. I tried to explain that I wanted to make sure he was happy too. And he said, “ can’t you tell, im kissing you arent I” and well I only asked because he seemed to be trying so hard to kiss me? or something was just off and moving faster than usual. we calmed down and talked. did the kissing thing again and it was fine but he started getting very weird. like when we were making out he said “do you like that” and little stuff like that. that’s just not him. and I dont like it actually. before he talked about how neither one of us wants sex right now because bad stuff can happen and etc. but then he said “so what next”. Im not sure if he means like in an sexual way or with us in general. I asked and he shrugged so I dont know.

I just need some opinions about why he is acting this way. I know I hurt him but he acts as though I cheated on him like its that huge of a deal. what do you think?

Answer #1

just leave him for a bit whenever guys are upset, most of us dont really talk about it like girls do guys go into their cave(Imaginary) and stay there till they solve the problem NEVER follow him into his cave let him chill a bit and he’ll be back and if he isnt than id recomend not to do anything new with him for a while(in a sexual way)

Answer #2

He’s acting that way because he is still very upset about your comment. Its possible he felt quite secure with you up until that moment and now it feels like the bottom has dropped out of his world. I rhink all you can do is try and get it back to the way it was… and don’t be defensive about your actions - all that sympathy you have – use some of it on him. Try and show him how much he means to you. If you try to live life escaping all the hurts we get from ending relationships, life is going to end up being fairly mediocre.

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