Nervous and young

I’m 15 and this guy I’ve been friends with asked me to have sex with him… I have been really good friends with him for years and I’m thinking about saying yes… But I’m nervous because he is older than me and has already had sex… do I have anything to worry about with an older man…?

Answer #1

don’t do it… you should only have sex with someone who you are totally committed and that is committed to you…

Answer #2

Girly, I dont think you should have sex with someone if their your friend… First of all, if your going to have sex at 15 you should know that he is comitted and that you love him and he loves and respects you.. not just a friend. Oh and if you are okay with the chance of getting an STD or preggo. I’d say wait, not cause he’s older, but because he isnt yours.

Answer #3

I agree with m1ch3ll3bbabe. Try waiting till your older also he’s your friend and you don’t want things to be akward after your first time. And if you do decide to do it then just make sure that you are protected.

Answer #4

First off, ask yourself WHY you want to have sex with someone you’ve been friends with. Sex can make people feel very vulnerable, and they can get hurt. For example, you may expect a commitment from him. And when you don’t get it — or get less than you want — it can feel very confusing and be very disappointing. So, it’s really important to think about the risks ~ emotional and physical ~ you are willing to take before deciding to have sex with someone. You cant go back to just being friends anymore, and sex can (usually) ruins a friendship. If he is persistent about wanting sex, maybe its time to break off the friendship. Make sure you both want the same things and are really ready to handle the complications, and responsibilities that come with sex.

Answer #5

agree with angelfire :)

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