how do guys decide?

Ok I’ve always wanted to know what goes through the male brain when they are deciding who they want to talk to. How do guys decide on a girls. It doesnt necessarily have to be like a dating relationship but do you guys pick girls primarily on like how big her boobs are or like if you think you’ll be able to hit in like a week. Do you guys even think about the respectable girls at all, or do you immediately go to the one you think will give you more physically.

(if your answer was I picked the girl I think I can get the most out of physically) If you decide on a girl to like you know hang wit and stuff and she ends up not being an easy lay and won’t give up nothing do you like stop talkin to her? because id like to think there is a LITTLE hope for us respectible girls out here lol…its seems like all the sexy guys go for the sluts…WASSUP WIT THAT? wouldnt you rather be with someone that hasnt scooped up every std on the block? or even if she hasnt wouldnt you want to be with someone that you wouldnt have to wonder if she has something.

Answer #1

Relax guys!

Reb, I think she was saying “IN GENERAL.” The big picture. However, beautynbrains you ought to cool down, having caps in half your message isnt going to help solve anything.

Anyway, here’s my opinion. Teenage boys usually go for sluts. Best if they have big boobs, round asses etc. As they grow, however, they start going for more long-term relationships, and start looking into the “soul.”

“its seems like all the sexy guys go for the sluts” These guys just want sex, thats all. Again, generally speaking

In conclusion, there are LOTS of males who look for “respectable” girls. So dont despair =P

Answer #2

Don’t be so stupid…seriously. “beautynbrains”, Yeah, K.

Men and women are the same in this aspect. Stop thinking about genders as classes where you can go “oh he’s a guy, that means he fits THIS stereotype, THIS stereotype, and THAT stereotype”.

It depends on so many different things…parents, upbringing, age…I could go on and on. Different people like/want different things.

Answer #3

DONT DO ME! I’M STUPID it was A SIMPLE QUESTIONS …DON’T THINK BECAUSE WE ARE ON THE COMPUTER YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT. … you may not fit the stereotype OK and im not saayin that all guys do… its a GENERAL question. ok duh girls and guys are alike but if you arent going to answer my question the please refrain from commenting…its called fun advice for a reason… if I wanted you to critique my question or insult me I would have said that BUT I DIDNT and the website would be called fun insult but …ITS NOT

and beauty and brains is right dont try and say sumthin like that to try and make you look better than me I dont take kindly to RUDE people …but MOST guys that I see and observe ALWAYS go for the one they think they can get in easily and I’ve heard FIRST hand from my cousin and his friends this EXACT comment so thats why I asked…so back off

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