Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Can your ex that you were with for a year be your bestfriend
  2. What does it mean when a guy says he wants a break?
  3. What do I do if he loves me and I dont love him back?
  4. What do I do I cheated on my boyfriend?
  5. What do you think ..Does he like me?
  6. How/ I need dating advice and tips...?
  7. What are some cute things to say to my crush secretly?
  8. Why don't peoples like me?
  9. Who has dated some one older?
  10. How to get her to tell me the story?
  11. What if I like my mums boyfriends son who has a girlfriend?
  12. she jealous?
  13. When should I ask him? Should I ask him??
  14. How can I make him really horny?
  15. What to do about a love Triangle thingie?
  16. How do I know if im ready for a boyfriend?
  17. How should I behave?
  18. What should ido if iLove em?
  19. How is it possible to hurt a girl when you finger her?
  20. Why does this guy in my class stare at me im not hot?
  21. Why... Should I take him back ?
  22. How can give my girlfriend thee most pleasure while fingering her?
  23. How do I get a guy to like me?
  24. How do I stop her from crying?
  25. What do you do bowt love?
  26. How---should I try to talk to this girl?
  27. What...should I let my boyfriend finger me?
  28. Should we stay together...?
  29. What im going to do with spoiled maid and spoiled brat?
  30. How to make myslf more attractive so that I can find a guy ?
  31. when your hymen is broken how long should you spot?
  32. why is my life slowly turning into what I don't want it ot be?
  33. What do girls think of being called?
  34. What do I say 2 a guy when he asks me what I would do 2 him?
  35. How do I make my boyfriens jealous hellpp!!!?
  36. how do I grind on a guy?
  37. how do I decide who to pick... stuck in a love rectangle?
  38. What should he do?Break up with her?
  39. What do you think, does he like me?
  40. How do guys respond to fat girls?
  41. What is LOVE, exactly?
  42. What should I say to comfort him with our sons death?
  43. What should I do about her actions?
  44. Why does my boyfriend only ignore me when his friends are around?
  45. What do I say and how should I brake up with my boyfriend?
  46. How do I find a boyfriend in nyc?
  47. How can I ask her this so that she will agree to help me?
  48. What might he think about me wanting to move away?
  49. When I got fingered my boyfriend said I was so tight is it a bad thing?
  50. What if my boyfriend's best friend likes me too?
  51. Who thinks I am being selfish with my boyfriend?
  52. Why do I unconsciously touch my clit all day?
  53. What do girls look for the most in guys?
  54. What do I do about my boyfriend I've been hearing things about him?
  55. What do you do when your horny if you don't want to finger ?
  56. Why is my friend a psyco?
  57. Why is my boyfriend saying iam cheeting?
  58. Who can explain something simple to me?
  59. Why when I fingered myself I didnt get any pleasure and im a boy?
  60. How do I tell my phone love(24)that I'm a lot older(35)?
  61. How can I stop feeling like this??
  62. How do I stop feelin lonly???
  63. When the girl makes noise, is it good?
  64. How might this work?
  65. Why, in class, does she keep looking at me but never talks to me?
  66. What should I do to show him how much I really missed him?
  67. How: How can I show to someone how much I love them?
  68. What, do all guys want head?
  69. how do you nicely tell your boyfriend that you dont want to be fingered..?
  70. How.../my friend is so wrong isn't she??
  71. How can I get the guy I like to ask me out ?
  72. How can I get my crush to flirt with me more?
  73. What do I do if my boyfriend... won't spend time with me?
  74. What should I do if my boyfriend wants me to open up to him?
  75. Should I go for it or leave it ?
  76. Who has break with ex due to family probs?
  77. Why? Was this the right thing to do gettin bk wiv my ex?
  78. Why is my girlfriend so angry with me?
  79. Why do I feel like this?
  80. What should I do to tell him how I feel?!?
  81. How can I expand my social life?
  82. Why are girls so heartless to nice guys?
  83. how do I get her back into my life?
  84. What should I do wit my gal?
  85. What do I do with my sisters weird friends?
  86. how to pamper my husband?
  87. How do I know If this relationship is for real?
  88. Why do girls get mad when?
  89. How do I know if my boyfriend is actually satisfied or faking?
  90. how to make a girl like you?
  91. How do I deal with this problem?
  92. What kind of physical features do you guys look for in a girl?
  93. How can I make my girlfriend feel super special?
  94. what can I do to change?
  95. Why does she tell me she wants to be together but act different?
  96. When you are fingering a girl, does it hurt if you have long nails?
  97. Who can help me with this? Should I get back together with him?
  98. What should I do my boyfriend did somthing worg can I forgive?
  99. When the guy takes it out before nutting can you be pregante?
  100. Why do they hate me?