What do I do I cheated on my boyfriend?

I cheated on my boyfriend very badly in the beginning of our relationship due to issues I had emotionally and phycologically because of my ex. I eventually got the nerv to tel my boyfriend what happened. I did the worst thing basically possiable with my ex boyfriend…and my current boyfriend was very understanding and took it well. we are inlove and he doesnt want to leave me…and thats good but…I can’t deal with what I have done. I feel horrible every day. I have hurt myself 3 times because of it and I stopped self harming for about 5 months after a year of doing it too! I hate upsetting him…I have so much guilt about cheating on him that I have low self esteem now. I dont feel like he should be with me anymore no matter how much he tells me otherwise. does anyone have any advice on how I can cope with my guilt? I feel so lost inside from it.

Answer #1

so did you cheat on your x boyfriend, or your currant boyfriend. or is your currant boyfriend the boy your cheated on your x with? or did you cheat on your currant and your x? 1st tell yourself, who is your best friend besides yourself? if you cant desides and you have many friends you like a lot, that is fine. do you love yourself? if not then what do you have to do to love yourself? be the person that you want to be. do good things. make sure you know what is good for you, dont do things just beacuse someone else wants you to. dont do things you dont really want to just for attention. do the work to find good friends who will help you grow and love you for who you are. make sure your makeing the right desisions for yourself before you make them. sex is a big deal, its very risky, getting stds or pregnant. the best thing would be not to have sex beacuse it makes stds and babies, adoption is better beacuse they need help. its better to help other for there needs then to have sex.

Answer #2

yes he is obviously in love with you enuff to not break up with you. he sounds like a keeper lol. well if he accepted the fact that you did it you should accept it too and if its bothering you so much just make it up to him in anyway you can it’ll probably help because it should make you feel like a better girlfriend and then you shouldn’t feel as bad. hope this helps

Answer #3

Obviously he loves you. He knows you feel bad about cheating on him and that you won’t do it again. He obviously trusts you. So just relax. You will probably feel guilty about it for a while, but just don’t let it ruin your relationship with him. He is obviously over it. Just accept that you did it, and try to move on and be happy. I know it is easier said than done. But if he isn’t holding it against you, then you shouldn’t let yourself get too down. He loves you, be happy =)

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