What do I do with my sisters weird friends?

Ok, 3 of my sister best friends want to root me… Which is really awkward, because im under age, (14) they are 16… Ok, weird thing is… None of them are whor3s… I dont know what to do

I also wanna know why they all seem addicted to me… None of them have really done much before, yet all of them seem to be eager to try stuff with me, and im not even legal…

Answer #1

it seems you have a small problem with finding the truth in thigs. it is true, and if need be I could even name them. and no, I havnt asked this same thing, because the number of people (sisters friends) has multiplied. and 3, why wouldnt a guy ask this? are you saying men dont give a fuck about being under aged, or have morals to stop themselves from screwing his sisters friends? seriously, before you start questioning that which you do not know, piss off

Answer #2

ok dude one stop this bullshit. cause now you can tell its fake. cause not one real guy would ever ask this kind of question. 2…you alrdy asked this question and got 7 answers too. …ok so um yeah shut up alrdy

Answer #3

I see, then talk to your sister about it. ask her. I’m sure she’ll know if theyre being honest or just playing with you. and they’re nothing wrong with them being her friends. if you are interested in one of them or all three, just let them know that you’re not sure due to the fact that if something goes wrong, they might stop being friends with your sis. but theres nothing wrong with them being your sisters friends. just be careful with the whole legal thing.

Answer #4

ok…1. they might just be yanking your chain. 2. if they really are into you, then dont trip. if theyre not whor3s, thats better. maybe they have been into you they just didnt say anything before…1a. if they are playing try no to get sucked into theyre game… 2a. if theyre not playing then theres nothing wrong. if your ready for anything then go ahead. if not then its ok if you say nah. alhough I would say youre a little young but at least know, you or them can say nah if you dont what to do anything. yeah youre under age, but they are too. so its ok also.

Answer #5

your sisters friends are pedofiles!

and what do you mean you woke up naked with 1 in your bed?

I dont care how asleep you are, if someone gets into your bed you will know.. S:

Answer #6

well I know they arnt “yanking my chain” I woke up naked with one in my bed (althought before anything had happened” and as for talking to my sister about it, I’d rather live past me teenage years… she litterally strangle me in my sleep

Answer #7

ummm after 4 hours of high intensty training, I’ve had water poured onto me without noticing.

Answer #8

ummm they are not under age in australia..I am.. and I’m not a virgin… but its more the fact is my sisters friends

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