What should I do about her actions?

My girlfriend just told me that she seduced a couple guys today. Is this something I should put up with I mean I have had doubts about her for a little while lately I think she may be cheating on me and now shes doing stuff like this, so back to my question what should I do should I ignore this or should I confront her and tell her its not ok?

Answer #1

what kind of a girl friend goes and tells there boyfriend that she seduced guys? if she really cherished your guys relationship she would of only been seducing you .. I really dont know what is going on in your girl friends head but maybe she might be looking for more attention.. I guess by telling you this maybe she thinks she can get you to appreciate what you have, or get you to do stuff for her? I have no idea dude but I think you should look into this a bit more .

Answer #2

The fact that she told you she seduced a couple of guys proves that she doesnt take you or your relationship seriously at all. She has no loyalty at all and why would you want to be around someone like that , she does’nt respect you and she thinks she can walk all over you and get away with it. Dont let her get away with it , find someone that you can trust and who will stand by you . You deserve a LOT better.

Answer #3

Dump the ho, moron! Unless this is not really your situation and you are just trying to get a rise out of people or it’s okay with you if your girl screws around!

Answer #4

Confront her. That is not okay. And it obviously bothers you. If she wants to be with you, then she should only be with you. If not, then y’all need to break up. If you don’t feel like you can trust her, you need to break up anyway…

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