Why do I feel like this?

Okay so I was going out with this guy… and I knew this other guy at my school liked me but I didn’t really think anything of it. But one night I said bye to my boyfriend at 10 then talked to the other guy until 2 in the morning. I couldn’t hang up the phone. So after a while I made my decision and broke up with my boyfriend. But the other guy and I decided since we both always flirt we will just be good friends with benefits. But ever since then when he doesn’t text me I miss him like crazy… why do I feel this way? Someone help please!

Answer #1

boys will come and go…just have fun and do what you feel like doing.

Answer #2

When you say good friends with benefits, are you talking about going all the way? or just texting? You miss him because he makes you feel good and we are programmed to react that way to a potential mate at the beginning.

Answer #3

girl- I feel you on this. this might have happened- the guy that liked you, liked you because he knew he couldnt have you. once you broke up with your boyfriend, the attraction wasn’t as strong. you knoww? and for your boyfriend- it’s not that you got tired of him,it’s just you were excited about something new and different. this is normal, BUT, if you really loved your boyfriend, you wouldnt be looking for anything new. if it is a casual relationship- that would explain it.

Answer #4

basicly we act like boyfriend an girlfriend but we rnt exclusive yet

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