how do I get her back into my life?

I think I made a big mistake. me and this girl been like off and on for almost 2 years. and like 2 weeks ago. we got in a big fight. and I havnt spoke to her since that day.and I thought 100% that I was done with her. that I didn’t want to keep going thru all this.but I just can’t stop thinking of her.the first couple of days after we stop talking. I was cool I wasn’t thinking about her or nothing. but now I ever time I try to go to sleep I think of her. this whole mess is just crazy. it just seem like the day not the same without her in my life.she was alway there when I needed it. I kinda feel like it my false. I don’t know how I can even come close to the words to make things right between us. I don’t even know why am feeling like this. any other time something happen between me and a girl. I wouldn’t have no problem forgetting about them.. I just need some advice on how to make things right. or get her back into my life. I don’t know what to do now. am lost.cause that fight we had was bad very bad. like we said stuff we never said to each other before.I can look pass what she said to me. but the problem is what if she can’t get pass what I said. I would hate to try to get her back. and she tell me to go * off or hard for me to share my feelings.I don’t even know what to say to her. am 100% lost help -.- please

Answer #1

I dont know about other people here, but from a girls point of view, I think if I had a fight with my boyfriend whom I really like from all my heart and he wouldnt talk to me for a few days after it, I’d hate him for that. if he then apologizes to me after these few days I’d probably change my mind and return to loving-him-mode but I would pretend that I dont accept his apology so as not to seem too eager (girls have their pride and dignity too you know XD). if the guy persists in his apology and it seems really sincere only then will I really admit that I accept his apology. BUT THAT IS JUST ME, well my friends seem to think so too. SO I suggest you really try persisting in your apology if you seriously like this girl and try to read her reaction, sometimes human body language says stuff we can’t say out loud. hope this helps ^^ GOOD LUCK :)

Answer #2

I know how you feel, I’ve been through that. but you know what, it’s you it’s worse not knowing what would happen if you were to have tried. Just call her and tell her to hear you out, ask her for just five minutes of her time. You don’t have to go off with all these mooshy feelings I know that’s really hard for men sometimes, but just tell her that you didn’t mean to offend her by the things you said. Tell her you were just mad at the time and we sometimes say things to hurt the other person when we’re mad but it doesn’t mean we really mean it. Just tell her how much you love her and you can’t live without her. After that, I hope she decides to forgive you, then whatever the fight was about you guys need to talk about it, resolve it, and then leave it in the past. The reason I’m saying this is because if it doesn’t get resolved it will be brought up again in the future and will just create another unnecessary fight. I wish you all the luck, just if she decide not to fight for your love then maybe she doesn’t love you as much as you love her. And maybe she just isn’t the one for you even if at the time you think there can’t be anyone else.

Answer #3

Write her a letter. Say that you are sorry but also EXPLAIN why you are sorry so it sounds genuine. Write about how you wish the conversation had gone, and maybe suggest some kind of compromise to whatever the issue was. Recognize her side (she just wants to feel validated, so validate her feelings). Don’t give her the letter right away– instead, sleep on it a day or two. Then re-read the letter and see if it sounds right.

When you sit down and talk to her, try not to interrupt each other. Make sure she KNOWS you understand her side. Having one person feel like they aren’t being understood can actually cause the fighting to happen or worsen it. REPEAT BACK TO HER what she said (example: “So, you’re feeling upset because of xyz, and when I did xyz, it made you xyz, right?”) Then she will feel like you’re really getting how she feels and she will feel less inclined to be defensive.

Good luck.

Answer #4

look if you really love her then don’t think abt the fight you had. that is past, gone. just think abt the life which is onward. if you are xtremly in luv wid her, go on, say sorry and let her to do so. if it was your mistake or hers, no matter who says sorry because its luv. just go to her and try if you really really luv her. if she was wid you in every problem, now its your turn

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