Love & Relationships Questions

  1. I really like this guy
  2. I want to makeout with my boyfriend but I'm scared
  3. I love him
  4. I'm nervous and self conscious
  5. How did you keep it a suprise?
  6. Is there a problem with this marriage plan?
  7. Will he ever like me?
  8. Would you ask this?
  9. What to do without seeming desperate.
  10. My boyfriend won't kiss me
  11. How do I make out
  12. Should I punch him?
  13. How to tell my friend her pictures are slutty?
  14. Should cheating be against the law?
  15. Breaking up, does this mean he still likes you?
  16. How to get him to realize he likes me?
  17. Need a change!
  18. Whats the cutest way someone told you they loved you?
  19. Getting over him
  20. Playin' around or be commited?
  21. Do I trust her?
  22. I fell for my best friend. What do I do?
  23. Do I trust her?
  24. If you're a virgin can you finger yourself?
  25. I thought I was over him
  26. Does he like me or is he playing me?
  27. 21 and 27, is that too much difference
  28. Gossip about my friends newly ex boyfriend
  29. How to apologize?
  30. Do I talk to her or leave her alone?
  31. Neighbour vs Best Friend
  32. Do guys like really skinny girls or girls that have a bit of curve?
  33. If you go to the doctor can they tell if you've had intercourse?
  34. Does this guy like me?
  35. Why all of a sudden
  36. Wentworth miller is a gay,is that true?
  37. Since he's been working, my ex has lost interest in me.
  38. Not sure if my sister is ready for this baby
  39. My sons biologicalfather went to jail for killing his own daughter.
  40. Why am I more attracted to white guys?
  41. Should she or should she not
  42. What if I like him and he doesn't like me back?
  43. real advice
  44. Ugly or what?
  45. What to do to make it up to my boyfriend?
  46. Should I tell my future husband the truth about my family?
  47. How do you define the word love?
  48. Im trying to figure out what I want... Can some of you help me?
  49. I wish I had a boyfriend
  50. Should I call this guy who gave me his number?
  51. Can you get pregnant after a quick pull?
  52. Do American chicks dig Irish men?
  53. To be erotic or not to be... Can you answer this ?
  54. Head over heels or confused?
  55. No one likes my black friend, what to do?
  56. How to deal with my ex and father of my children?
  57. Why is he showing a bad side now?
  58. Should I forget about him since he has a girlfriend?
  59. Can I get pregnant from anal?
  60. Men, do you run if she has children?
  61. Is it important to love or be loved
  62. How do you ask a girl out?
  63. What questions should I ask him about?
  64. I feel really stupid
  65. Should my boyfriend be mad?
  66. I want to talk dirty to my boyfriend, what to say?
  67. My friend is dating her friends ex
  68. Summer camp crush
  69. Is it wrong to have kids before you're married?
  70. Helpful Tips on making out
  71. Would you date a redhead girl?
  72. Guy needs a lot of attention
  73. My friend went out with her friends ex
  74. Why are people so fake?
  75. I like my cousin's ex crush
  76. First kiss
  77. Twilight, Does she deserve him?
  78. Am I being too dominant?
  79. Why wouldn't my boyfriend tell me about his parents?
  80. What could this be?
  81. Guys: What to do to make a relationship last?
  82. Natural smell of a guy
  83. What brand makes small condoms?
  84. Is this really love?
  85. What's a romantic way to tell someone you love them?
  86. How to talk to someone you like?
  87. I want my ex back but he has a new girlfriend
  88. Who is right? Whats your POV on this?
  89. What to do about my ex?
  90. Friends boyfriend is such a jerk to her
  91. Faraway crush
  92. My girlfriend won't let me finish her
  93. Broken heart
  94. Is it stupid when people break up over Political beliefs
  95. What does love feel like
  96. Should I stay or should I go?
  97. What's the best kind of guy?
  98. How do I tell her I was her brother that started it?
  99. Does she like me?
  100. Friends drag me into arguments