Twilight, Does she deserve him?

I’ve read it, and really I cant see what all the buzz is about. Bella is the most whiney, obnoxious character I’ve ever encountered, and the only reason I kept reading is to ask this question.

Bella seems to think she deserves to mistreat Edward and that she can get him if she tried. a lot of the girls in my school read this and automatically have the highest expectations for guys in the world, when automatically if you have those expectations and your not just looking for a guy to make you happy, then you dont deserve anyone of that type.

So im asking you, do you thing Bella deserves Edward?

Answer #1

Edward Cullen…sigh… No, Bella does not deserve Edward. If that were real life he would have deaded it. But it does make for an interesting plotline, and gives teenage girls something to shoot for. They realize it’s entirely unrealistic,but at the same time, it’s their fantasy to such an extent that they begin to look for it in reality, and become disappointed when a guy does not, in fact, want to drink their blood and snap their neck.

I can’t honestly say that if I met Edward I wouldn’t be intensely attracted to him, but at the same time, come on now, it’s just fiction.

Answer #2

I like the book, but I automatically thought that she is, indeed very whiny. Bella doesn’t deserve Edward, only because he is too good 4 her. she is whiny and clutsy and pushy and the only reason why they are together is cause he is attracted 2 her blood. it just so happens that he blood is in her specific body, lol. I luv the story and the storyline, but think comes 2 me sometimes. I dont really like Bella too much and this story doesn’t giv me high expectation for guys my age. I mean, come on now, this is a fictional character that isn’t evne human. it wud b nice if he was real, but you have 2 face reality. I know wut guys my age are like and I like them just th eway they r. perfect Edwards exist only in stories.

by the way, wut did you mean when you said that Bella “mistreats” Edward? how? I mean I know that she pushes the boundaries of their relationship by trin 2 get him 2 do things that he is trying not 2 (pushy, another reason why I dont like her and why she doesn’t deserve him, she thinks that she can flirt people into doing anything that she wants just cause in Forks, many guys are attracted 2 her.), but wut else or is this wut you were talkin about?

Answer #3

Yes, Bella is totally whiney. No, Bella doesnt deserve Edward. I mean come on she freaking thinks she can do anything if edwards around. constantly putting her self in danger. Does she realize how much pain she causes Edward each time. Then when Jacob comes into her life she thinks she can be IN LOVE with 2 people at the same time… which means break 2 peoples hearts. Though I know Edward cant stand 2 be a way frm the pushy whiney brat that is bella, she doesnt deserve someone as good as edward. But I think her pushy whineyness and the amount of times Edward has killed a human being cancel each other out.

    I cant hide the fact that this is fiction. None of it is real. Teenage girls need a place 2 escape 2 though. they want things like this to be reality. They know in their concious mid that this isnt true. some want it to be. they want 2 have a boyfriend that will always be THEIRS. even though in any sudden movement their boyfriend could kill them or lose control. they want to have someone who loves them for who they are and not how they on and so forth.Even me, a teenage girl, wants that 2 b reality. its not though. and I know it.

hope I helped. funmail me:) -samantha

Answer #4

I’m not reading your answers yet because I’m still on the first book (like halfway through) but I haven’t found her to be whiney at all…

maybe that’s more towards the end of the book?

Answer #5

I read and love the book, but I’m not going to lie. I absolutely think Bella is a whiny little brat. I really don’t think she deserves Edward at all. Yes, she loves him, and she’s willing to sacrifice everything for him. But I honestly don’t think she deserves him. I mean, yeah, Edward loves Bella a lot, too, but it only started out as bloodlust. How does that even turn to actual love? I’ll never know. But I think Bella is too pushy and bossy for Edward.

Answer #6

if edward wants bella and bella wants edward that’s all that matters(then they both deserve eachother)

Answer #7

well i truly agree with u, vamp_dreamer. Edward deserves everything on earth, after all that hes been thru, including the fact that edward has been literally dead for over a century. c’mon just think of it how many of us really get irritated for everything and anything just coz our day had been horrible but Edward has been trying his best to remain nice. he may not be huma but hes definitely better than a human and coming to think of his relationship with Bella, ii think he deserves her too though she doesnt. but we cant exactly say that shes totally unworthy of him. most of us would have been good to a guy like edward and all of us want a guy like him but we must consider the fact that shes been thru a lot. she bruised, fractured, risked her very existence. though i didnt like it that she developed feelings for Jacob i truly believe that Bella deserves him. none of are perfect and neither is she but the good side of each one of us cannot be not counted just coz of our bad side. Bella, according to me, is a good girl with her own issues as a teenager. shes never dated shes like a kid. she loved edward but she wanted to feel happy and not go on with life as a loner and without happiness. she truly loved him and wanted him for eternity. she whined but she whined over not being with him not coz she didnt have the latest gadget. i think shes a sweet nice girl who actually deserves Edward and c’mon she didnt flirt with any guy except Jacob for once and that was to know more abt Edward. Edward is the best but u cant deny the fact that Bella isnt bad shes good just not good enough for him. i think none of us are good enough for him, actually, if u know what i mean.

i must conclude by saying that love is not abt cheering, plesure, hanging out, having fun, making out and, if u dont mind my language, sex. it has grief and sadness, it has joy and peace but love consumes the lover when its a true love. many of us havent really experienced true love in either ways, giving and taking. so i just wanna say that u must respect the bella “character” and gotta know that she deserves him as she brings happiness to him but i wont deny the fact that edward started loving bella outta sheer uniqueness of her blood.

thank you. contact me at if u wanna talk :)

cares shangeethaa

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