Who is right? Whats your POV on this?

Heres what happened. I met some people and we started talking and stuff. They were really nice and they liked me. I thought they were pretty cool. So I tell my friend about them in this conversation we were having.

Turns out she knows them too. But she didnt like the fact I was talking to them and stuff. She said OMG I finally find some nice people and you start talking to them. I just want to tell you that bothers me.

SO im telling her the fact that it bothers her that im talking to people she knows is not going to bother me one bit..

Cause I didnt want to start an argument.

But she keeps going at it.

How she never talked to any of my friends/“freaks” as she called them.

And that she finally met a nice group of people and they would ignore her because they were talking to me.

SO whats your opinion on this? How she doesnt want me talking to other people because their her “people”?

Btw, she was starting to walk away then said something and I left and shes like why do you always run away. Im like what the f*ck are you talking about. Everytime you know you’re wrong YOU are then one that walks away. Like 30 seconds ago you were leaving so dont give me your hypocritical bullshit.

Ok so whats your opinion?

Answer #1

she’s JEALOUS. she rpobably thinks that yur cooler than her and you r going 2 steal thwe only good friends that she has. she thinks that you will b moe popular than her with them and they will favor you over her. she feels threatened that you both have the same friends; she doesn’t want to lose them 2 u. she’s upset. I’ve known many people who have felt this way, including me, lol. but I never actually said this out loud 2 someone. I felt upset cause I felt that one of my friends was so popular witrh everyone and was better than me and I didn’t want her to be friends with my friends so they wud like her more than me. I felt that she had more friends than I did and that I at least deserved a few that liked me more than anyone else. it’s been so long I dont even remember wut grade it wud, wut happened, or who the friends were. I think that you shud remain friends with the people that you met and reassure yur friend that she will not be forgotten. let her know that she is appreciated and that she is just as important in this world as you r.

Answer #2

sounds like shes jealous of you because she thought that she had sum frends that you didnt know!?? sum pple are weird like that!!!


Answer #3

She sounds like a frikin nut case.

Anyone who feels like they can dictate who you can talk to you should avoid if you ask me.

Answer #4

I think your friend is a little insecure, immature and jealous of you. You need to chuckle a bit to her about this and tell her she’s being a little bit silly. Treat it very lightly!

Answer #5

what the fck since when can you not talk to people your frenn knows?!?!?!!?!? no offense your frenn sounds like a controling btch

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