What to do without seeming desperate.

So I just met this boy on saturday, and we were chilling with a bunch of people. And being all flirty. Im interested in him, and after I left that night, he told one of my friends that he missed me :$… Anyways, it was pretty much the first time that we had met, and he texted me about an hour later asking if I wanted to come back out side with him. It was about 12 tho, and I had already fallen asleep. I woke up in the morning and found a text from him, a missed call from him, and a text from the friend that I went out with (the same one that he told that he missed me already) anyways we were texting that morning, but it ended it kinda awkwardly.. I think that if we were to hang out more that we could become closer. What can I do to save this.. I sent a text saying “hey cutie. Whats up” and he didnt reply. Im not sure if he just doesnt have his cell on him, or maybe he didnt get it, or he could be ignoring me… I asked another friend to ask him to add me on msn, and I havnt gotten a request, but im not sure if the friend actually asked him or not. I dont want to seem desprite, but I really want to get to know him… What should I do

Answer #1

Just wait and see what happens. Most guys take days to get back to a girl. The ball is in his court now. If you don’t hear back from him in a day or two, try one last ditch effort to talk to him. If you still get nothing back, then ditch him.

Answer #2

Jennyboomboom is totally right, thats exactly what you should do.

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