My sons biologicalfather went to jail for killing his own daughter.

I need some advise, My son is 7yrs, I met his father at a party onething led to the next blah blah blah,,,I had his son. Not until my son turns 5yrs do I finally see him again…Yada yada yad blah blah blah…I’m watching T.V and low and behold whos on t.v but him the biological father a professional sportsman, turns out that he had done time 2yrs manslaughter for the death of his 6mnth old daughter, sounds like a hollywood story I know but this just happens to be true, okay…So the question is, Do I have The Right to deliberately keep my son away from his biological father???

We have laws in New Zealand that permits the biological fathers from unsupervised visits if they have a violoent history…

I don’t know how to prepare my son for what he’s going to eventually find out, that his father killed his sister, not my daughter but even the fact that his father has killed a person regaurdless of their relationship..

How does a mother an single working studying fulltime mother do that??/

Answer #1

trust me there is no easy way out of this, your son is going to face pain his hole life, he’ll have anger isusse and have trust and he’ll never want to be close to anyone knowing he might hurt them. he has to face his father when hes older and ask him why and deal with his way. just watch him carefiuly and give him space and time let him know he’s going to be better then his father

Answer #2

Wow. That’s deep stuff, man. Yes, keep him away from him. When your son is old enough tell him the truth. I’d say that’s around 10-13 years old. He has to know the truth so he can be careful. If he was locked up then that’s good, but otherwise try and keep a low profile so your temporary partner doesn’t find you. For now you can tell your son that his daddy was a bad man who hurt some people. He needs to know that his father isn’t a good person so he has the right idea of his father in case he comes knocking one day. Hope this helps. -Realilly

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