Gossip about my friends newly ex boyfriend

My friend(s) recently broke off a relationship that was over a year long. The dude claimed that he loved her for most of it. I know she loved him but that’s not the issue. It’s only been two weeks since they broke up and the guy went out the other night got drunk at some party and made out with some girl he’d known for three hours. Are my girlfriend and I wrong to be horribly pissed off at him for doing this and then telling her about it!!! Or do we have the right to be, and as for him…should me or her leave him a nice long phone message or just let it be.

Please help!!!

Answer #1

if I were her I would be extremely pissed and so you have every right to be mad its not wrong but I dont know if I would leave him a long horrible message I mean you dont want to stoop to his level even if its not as bad as what he did and even tho he there broken up he just tying to get a reaction out of her.and plus it might just cause more heartache sure it will feel good for a couple hours but then you will just start to feel stupid and be like why did I do that and it would just start more conflict and blow up in her and yours face so I would just leave it be I don’t know if im making an sense but hope I helped a little.

Answer #2

lol thanks. and yes you made sense

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