Love & Relationships Questions

  1. will it affect him?
  2. What should I do?
  3. can a guy's penis naturally fall off?!
  4. wont get pregnant
  5. where did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend
  7. what do I do...
  8. my friend going around and telling people MY BUSINESS
  9. Weight problems
  10. Why do I have self-esteem issues?
  11. Going back to a relationship
  12. I still love him why is it so hard?
  13. I think my friend moved
  14. How do I comfort my friend?
  15. Goodness knows
  16. Should I still be heartbroken?
  17. How to date?
  18. Are they just afraid to commit?
  19. Too shy to tell me that he likes me
  20. Ways to increase my penis size within the next 6 months
  21. Should I be a slut for Halloween?
  22. What do I do about these two guys?
  23. Abandoned Kids
  24. My girlfriend wants me to "teach" her!!!???
  25. How to finger a girl
  26. What should I do ?
  27. I hate code name corn with a P
  28. How to approach to a woman for first time.
  29. Him or him?
  30. How to make him see that it matters to me
  31. Do you still think he would date me
  32. Kissing a guy with a mustache
  33. Why is she suddenly ignoring me?
  34. I don't have a boyfriend
  35. Is this really in the past?
  36. What should I do if his brother is in loathe with me
  37. Guys are confusing
  38. Is it a good lube?
  39. Co worker situation
  40. Lost it and I'm so depressed
  41. Teen drivers
  42. Retaliation to these mean girls
  43. The guy just asked me who I like
  44. How do I ask a girl to homecomming
  45. This guy confuses me
  46. Careers/Talents or Love?
  47. What do you think this means?
  48. Why does he have to do that
  49. What's your turn on and off?
  50. How can emo/scene guys wear
  51. I'm not pretty enough to talk to guys...
  52. Question On Love
  53. Why won't a guy date me ?
  54. I like him but he has a girlfriend, what should I do?
  55. Fellas, do you like girls in make up?
  56. How to kiss someone?
  57. How can you tell if you're in love/fancy someone?
  58. Why do girls get so jealous?
  59. Do you think I'm making the right decision?
  60. We haven't kissed
  61. How to get a guy!
  62. Is it normal to think gay guys touching is hot?
  63. Why don't guys like me?
  64. How to make a friend not like like you
  65. Is it possible for me to squirt?
  66. How to tell my boyfriend I have ADHD?
  67. Why are guys jerks?
  68. I dont know what to do anymore??
  69. Why did he say that???
  70. Guys can be annoying... can this mean they like you?
  71. Do guys feel boners?
  72. I like him a lot and it's all because of a smile.
  73. What is beautiful?
  74. Does he like me
  75. What does he mean?
  76. Can cartoons define a man
  77. Whats the difference between love and admiration?
  78. Friends and boys blues
  79. What happens when he won't go again
  80. Advice on fingering yourself
  81. Middle School Drama please Help
  82. All my friend and loved ones are gone
  83. She knows I like him!
  84. Does love really suck or are we all just complaining?
  85. Should I stay with him?
  86. Should I give him the time of day?
  87. Why do we girls like older dudes
  88. How do I talk to my boyfriend?
  89. Little bit older guys stare but don't act on it.
  90. Making new friends outside my comfort zone?
  91. Stuck in the single lane
  92. Wife is sending other men photos of her breasts
  93. What should I do about this girl?
  94. help!!!love four
  95. Why do I cheat?
  96. hurt and confused.=/
  97. Getting a girl you dont knows attention
  98. I am feeling hurt...
  99. Crushing from a distance... Please help
  100. Help please