Him or him?

I don’t know how to ask this without telling my whole life story. Hah.

Well, I had a boyfriend, 5 months on the 24th. We’ve been through so much together, I lost my virginty to him and he lost his to me, I cant explian what he means to me, the way I feel in his arms is amazing, and dont want any other girl to feel the way I do when im with him, but there so many obsticals that are getting in my way and changing my feelings. like; school, and family.. My parents love him but think’s he’s to old for me, when im only to be in high school. Anyways.. There’s this guy in my grade, and he’s kinda like a jock, and we flirt every single day, and every one, including his “jock friends” are saying “ go out with him” I like him, a lot.. But, I love my boyfriend, or used to be boyfriend. Im scared either way I go its going to end up bad, if I break up with my boyfriend forever, imma regret it, and want him back, and if I dont go out with him(the guy I like) everyone’s going to keep bugging me about it, and eventaully its going to get around the school and get to my boyfriend. And if I did go out with him, and I broke up with him, everyone would hate me, and if he broke up with me, I’d just get laughed at, which ever way I look at it, its going to end up crappy?! What am I going to do?

Answer #1

Tell your boyfriend you need some time, your still young and you need to try new things before you’re ready to completely settle down.

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