How do I talk to my boyfriend?

He is the first guy I have ever dated! And he is soo hot!!! But I am afraid he is going to dump me because I don’t talk to him!!! Because I don’t know what to talk about!! What can I talk about? What do you say someone when you walk up to them? Other then hi! That’s all I can say!I want to talk about random things…cause I want to make him laugh and smile! But what do I say???I know this is a hard question, but please help me

Answer #1

I have had the same problem just about a month ago and I don’t know what to talk about either I think you should just talk about how the day has been or whatever pops into you mind. Good luck

Answer #2

My boyfriend told me that when someone doesn’t know how to start a convo, just ask any kind of question and usually that leads into the convo. Like if you asked (and this is totally an example) “Do you like parks?” and he said “No” then you’d ask “why not?” and it goes from there and it turns into a long convo.

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