I'm not pretty enough to talk to guys...

Theres no question about it, Im hideous. nose is too big, bad skin, weird smile, small eyes. I hate it. And theres this guy I reeealllyyy like, but I CANT talk to him! My friends just dont get it, they tell me to get over it, but I can’t. I want to talk to him so bad but Im not pretty, and guys dont want to talk to girls who arent pretty. Im so scared of rejection, being made fun of, etc. I dont know what to do. I know he might not be the kind of guy who judges someone on their looks, In fact Im pretty sure he isn’t, but Im still too self-conscious. I can just imagine being laughed at. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it, Im almost 16, and Im never going to have a boyfriend because Im not pretty. I feel so depressed all the time. but Id never kill myself cause I hate the thought of it. How can I talk to him? What can I do? It makes no sense, there are people I know who are definitely uglier than I am, if its possible, and they’ve all had boyfriends. I dont get it. please help!

Answer #1

Wow, you are so like me…

Honestly, just go up and talk to the guy when he is not doing anything. Or if you are still too shy/scared then talk to him on MSN or Facebook or something like that. The feeling of rejection is very scary to me, but seriously for my experciences, if you never say anything then you are going to end up regretting it.

Answer #2

Okay… I have the same problem… Even down to the liking a guy part… but I think sometimes everyone feels ugly. If you don’t take the chance, and try to see if you are his type you are never going to find out… You just have to tell yourself that certain people have different likes and what you see as ugly in the mirror might be gorgeous to someone else… you are only looking from your prespective and everyone has a different opinion… Someone you might find ugly… someone else could think is amazingly beautiful… You just have to find how you are pretty and how you love youself… Accept yourself for who you are… that’s what I do, and that’s the best you can do… You have to like youself before someone else does…

Answer #3

It’s kinda like on a summers day. When you want to jump into the pool but you think it would be WAY to cold. You got to just make yourself jump and once you’re in the air there’s no turning back. I say you should just go up and talk to him. Pray for help. And just push your fears to the side. If he rejects you then it wasn’t meant to be. But another guy will come along. One who loves you. So don’t worry. Just live life. But if you don’t talk to him then you’ll spend your days wondering what would have happened if you would have just said something. Message me on how everything works out!

Answer #4

send me some pics i will tell you

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