Guys are confusing

Okay, so for the very first timme, I actually confessed to the guy I like. In the end, he told me he also liked me too!

The problem is… Whenever I see him at school, he wouldn’t say anything to me, he’d only look at me, smile, or pokes me as he walks by. But I don’t really understand why he’s being like this, we never talk in school, he’s always with his friends, and he’s so called “mr.popular” so I’m not sure what that means.

We would go through the whole day of school,. Only looking and smiling at each other as we pass by in the halls, and nothing would happen at school, but he texts me every night… What is wrong with this?

Does he think he’s too good for me or sumthing? But I think I’m pretty popular too, so I don’t see what the problem is…

Answer #1

The problem is… that you don’t go up to talk to him. What’s up with that? You can’t just expect him to talk to you all the time either.

Maybe you just like him for his looks and popularity, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you two have anything in common if you ‘like’ each other. Really, how can anyone be in a ‘relationship’ if they don’t talk enough to understand how they really feel towards each other?

Popular or not, everyone will have the same problems in a relationship if they dont communicate properly.

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