will it affect him?

so my son is 3months old and when im in the bath I put his carseat/ little chair in the bathroom so he can still see me and hear my voice, and is fine, my sister said the other day I shouldnt do that as it might affect him when hes older and shouldnt even start doing it at all, soo I was just wondering what you guys though because obviously when hes a little older I wont do it at all but isit ok for now? if not what do you do? theres no one else hovering around the flat becuase I live alone, and at least this way my mind is at rest as I can see him. Should I stop?

Answer #1

do you know what baby bump RELAX seriously! your his mum! he sees you as this wonderful person who loves him inconditionally…

my kids are way older, and they are always walking in on me getting dressed and undressed…I’m there mum! it’s not sexual, it’s not perv nothing like that.

by hiding your indicating that there is something to be ashemed of. granted, some people don’t agree, however, your his mum! I still breast fed ben til he was 9 months old, some mums do it till the kids are way older…

if someone had a problem with a 3 moth old baby seeing their mum in the bath, then I would suggest that they re-evaluate their attitude on being naked…

don’t worry, I’ve given up keeping my bedroom door shut, seriously, it may as well not be there half the time! and I wake up and there’s me, my husband, my two kids and the two cats in the bed!!

but you know, they are both happy, well rounded children who thrive on life, they know they are loved and they know what’s normal and not. as long as you teach your child that nudity outside the home or when there’s company may not be so well tolerated, then that should be fine…

(a three month old honestly!!)

Answer #2

If your really concerned about this, take a bath when hes asleep, and keep a baby monitor in the bathroom with you. I don’t know much about babies but I wouldn’t think it would affect him, if it was me I wouldn’t worry about it till he was like almost a year. Do you know any other mothers? if so ask them for their opinions or talk to your doctor.

Answer #3

I think it’s a brilliant idea, for a little while, though. babies need constant attention and hearing your voice when he can’t see you is wonderful for him.

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