Politics & Law Questions

  1. Which party would benefit ?
  2. How did slavery influence us today?
  3. What do you think of Huckabee for President?
  4. Does Kiva.org spend it's money wisely?
  5. Who's going to win the election in 2008?
  6. Why aren't people aware of human trafficking?
  7. How to become a U.S. citizen?
  8. Does Obama have a Health Care Solution?
  9. Will any presidential candidates be in the Bay Area soon?
  10. What do you think about Presidents?
  11. What do you think of Barack Obama?
  12. Why carry a weapon?
  13. Who else wants to make a petition for felons?
  14. Did the war in Iraq expose EU division?
  15. Will our next president be Republican or Democrat?
  16. Hillary or Obama for 2008?
  17. Is this what peace really means to Israel?
  18. How do you think MLK would feel about today's affirmative action?
  19. What do you think of this California discrimination law?
  20. Do Americans owe their freedom to the French?
  21. hey can hair conditioner be used as a lubricator?
  22. Why do people hate President Bush?
  23. Is the US going the way of the Roman Empire?
  24. What do you think about this proposed anti-smoking law?
  25. Do you like George W. Bush?
  26. What do you think about immigration Laws?
  27. Who is best for this Country?
  28. When will America overcome the injustice of abortion??
  29. Whats your opinion about Euthanaisa
  30. Who is in the lead: Obama or Clinton?
  31. How would you define the role of the government?
  32. Why can't I get a job?
  33. Is Capital Punishment Wrong?
  34. Who do you like better: Obama or Clinton?
  35. Is national debt actually a good thing?
  36. Why do so many people hate President Bush?
  37. Which US President would you vote for and why?
  38. Do you think homophobia and racism is due to ignorance?
  39. Is this Big Brother?
  40. What do you think ?
  41. Dozens of armed incursions by Mexican soldiers and police in the US
  42. What is your opinion on the death penalty?
  43. do we have black or white in the kingdom of god?
  44. Who will win the Democratic nomination in the U.S. elections?
  45. Why is evil supported in the world?
  46. Personal responsibility vs. personal freedom
  47. people continue to say that the United States is the Melting Pot
  48. Should Marijuana be illegal to cancer patents?
  49. What are your thoughts ?
  50. Who has the most chance in the Democratic Party?
  51. Why do third world countries still exist?
  52. What is the point of war?
  53. Declaration of Independence principles?
  54. What do you think of the growing power of gay activists?
  55. Should he be President of South Africa?
  56. Should Borat be Prez?
  57. What do the Freemasons do?
  58. Is George Bush gay?
  59. What is this world coming to?
  60. Should the world be concerned with the assassination of Benazir?
  61. Can it be controlled ?
  62. What was the Watergate scandal?
  63. Who rules the world: US or UN?
  64. What rights to convicted felons lose?
  65. Why should there be a seat belt law?
  66. Should Japan be allowed to continue slaughtering whales?
  67. Why do people think Americans are talentless?
  68. How should this be handled ?
  69. Is freedom of speech guaranteed in the Constitution of Australia?
  70. Are there any in Congress ?
  71. Is Obama catching up to Clinton for 2008?
  72. When can you drive in your country?
  73. What do you think when you hear the term 'immigrant'?
  74. Should Clinton & Obama be President and Vice President?
  75. Are the free masons still around?
  76. Where is the love?
  77. Should they ban fat Santa?
  78. Is suicide illegal?
  79. Should marijuana be legalized and is it bad for you?
  80. Can humans and robots ever peacefully coexist?
  81. Is there a better political party?
  82. Does this mesothelioma mass tort campaign mean anything?
  83. Am I breaking a law online?
  84. Is anyone on FunAdvice Jewish?
  85. the palestine saga
  86. Who will win this presidential Election?
  87. How can I stop the hunger in Africa?
  88. Will the U.S. ever get universal healthcare?
  89. How long can someone go to jail for if they were on probation?
  90. 24 Hours Missing Person?
  91. Do you think there will be a World War III?
  92. Why are people still so uptight about different races?
  93. Is this lawsuit justified ?
  94. Do you think Bush is evil?
  95. Wouldn't it be better to leave Iraq alone and fix America instead?
  96. Who will you vote for in the Presidential election?
  97. Do you agree with separation of religious and political order?
  98. Why do Americans think they are the best?
  99. What is legal bud?
  100. What languages are spoken in India?