What do you think about this proposed anti-smoking law?

I know people on here are from all over the world, so I’m not sure if you have heard about this. (I live in Ontario, Canada).

They are trying to pass a law that doesn’t allow people to smoke in their vehicles if it contains a person in it that is younger then 18-years-old. I’m personally not a smoker, so it really doesn’t effect me much. But I’m curious about what you people think.

What are your thoughts?

Answer #1

I really don’t understand gov’t jumping in to protect us from ourselves (they determining what’s good/bad) - big picture, seems to me it infringes on a persons freedom to decide for themselves to use a LEGAL substance or not.

Answer #2

Yep…Good law…smoking in a confined space like a car, with children inside is just like gassing your kids with passive smoke. I see moms driving around with babies in capsules in the back seat…it’s not a good way to promote healthy lungs for your offspring…!!!

Answer #3

I thlink they should pass this law. I live in alberta in canada and we just passed that you can’t smoke 5 metres from the doors(because you can’t legally smoke indoors). Of course most people do not follow this rule but it helps some. I think we should keep restricting people because most people will stop smoking because of all these restirictions

Answer #4

Stephanie, I think we’re legislated to death in this country. I’d much rather they banned cellphone use while driving. Am so sick of driving behind someone on the phone doing 60 in the furthermost left lane of a 16 lane freeway.

Answer #5

I don’t think it’s to restrict people, but rather to protect the child from something they would otherwise not be able to do anything about. I thinks it’s ok to ban smoking in public places, but a car is private and yours alone.

Answer #6

Totally agree ‘pinkpearl’ that does tick me off a lot too. I don’t drive, but still. I think they should focus more on that, its been brought up but they haven’t seemed to do anything about it yet. Surprise surprise…

Answer #7

Wow that sucks… But It may become a law. But Not many will follow Bc Cops arent going to stop every second car to see if someone is under 18.

Answer #8

I’m from the US, and an ex-smoker (from 9-33y.o.). I would object to that law. Or any law that outright banned a legal activity in public places.

Answer #9

The thing that concerns me is the ‘creeping effect’ on rights - example: 30 years ago if the city said ‘we’re going to put cameras on every street corner, the public response would have been ‘no way, not Big Brother here - yet today, if they package it differently ‘in order to protect our children’, it slides right in, same result - cameras to watch you - now the smoking ban creeping into your car ‘for the sake of the children’ - home next ? - when is enough, enough ? - my concern.

Answer #10

im frm england, I smoke and jus would let any1 in my car if it meant I couldnt have a fag. simple as that, yet over here its 1 of the only places left you can smoke, saying that I love going outside 4 a fag because you chat 2 so many people you wouldnt inside, its smirting now (smoking/flirting) x

Answer #11

yeah, their trying to do that here as well im in W.V.

Answer #12

Good law. . .

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