Why do Americans think they are the best?

When they have so many internal issues of their own, are one of the top 3 polluters on this planet and own more WMD’s than Iraq ever didn’t have..etc etc

Answer #1

Im not from america but from britain…I dont think that its america itself who think they’re the best but rather george bush!!! America aint all bad…its just one of the most well known, richest countries in the world. I’ve been to america before its a pretty kool place. Its just what you hear in the media and you asume that their so big-headed about their country but there not - there pretty laid back actually. I bet if you ask the population of america most of them would disagree with the war in iraq. so how can they be all bad Its all that idiots fault george bush-nearly all the britz hate him and tony blair (he’s resigned now because of the stupid mistake he made following his steps).

Answer #2

It is plain nationalism. Most people’s love of their country, history, and traditions makes them favor theirs above all others. To a certain extent this sort of pride is natural and even desireable.

Nationalism at a certain point becomes dangerous. Fascism in Itally started from extreme nationalists wanting to relive the days of the Roman empire. Nazisim in Germany started from their belief that ethnic Germans were the master race and superior to all others.

In America, Manifest Destiny gave us a mission to expand our country all the way to the Pacific ocean. The fact that we had to kill and subjugate the native population wasn’t even a consideration.

Today dangerous forms of nationalism are springing up all over the world. There are lots of problems in the world and the most natural thing for man to do is to blame its problems on foreigners.

For decades I’ve heard American leaders refer to America as God’s chosen nation. Speeches make references to America being the right hand of God and being protected under his aegis. To me this is the most dangerous form of nationalism. To equate your nation’s actions to the will of God gives us license to do anything because we are doing God’s will and only answer to him..

Like I said, to a certain point nationalism isn’t a bad thing. It is good to be proud of your country, its customs, its heritage, and its institutions. Such pride inspires us to be better citizens. Fanning the flames of nationalism can lead to the same sort of bigotry seen in other ‘isms like racism and sexism.

I’m a proud American but I’m a human beling first. When my nation does something that goes against my other core values I’ll oppose my country’s policies. It is when someone raises their national identity above everything else that leads to dangerous exercise of nationalism.

Answer #3

Well done Emblessed. It is surely something every giving American should be proud of!

Answer #4

Don’t worry I intend on staying right here…I intended on ruffling some feathers with this question…

I’m just glad countries like China & North Korea aren’t into preemptive actions…YET

And if you don’t like our kiss my butt attitude… <<<

That kind of sums it up for me…

Answer #5

source: common sense and established facts:

USA: In the research I’ve done, no other country in world history has given more in Foreign aid or who’s many Charities have contributed to the aid/well being of people in foreign countries - this might qualify as trying to make the world a better place.

Answer #6

Sorry - I won’t join your Bashing-America Bandwagon - that country has done too many good things and No country is perfect.

Answer #7

Each country sees itself as the best. But it seems americans have backup, they are kind and generous. They TRY to help, even if it doesn’t turn out well. America has the right to believe they are the best.

Bush on the other hand…

Answer #8

Merely ethnocentrism. Most people feel that their country is the best. Lots of Americans are quite cocky about it, though. I’m from America and it even bothers me how arrogant and cocky people are about it. We’re no better than anyone else. I think that patriotism is different, supporting our troops is a good thing…but when you start talking about how the USA is best, it just seems so incredibly arrogant. I wouldn’t work yourself up over it though.

Answer #9

“To be honest the majority of the world dislikes America and Americans and there are reasons for it…”

The majority of the world either relies on trade with America or depends heavily on foreign aid from America. Much of the world, including your country, listens to American music, watches American movies, eats American food, and maintains an overall interest in American culture. Also, I’ve been to over 25 countries and I have yet to meet anyone who truly hates my people. My current government, yes, but not the nation itself.

“americans tend not to know about current affairs in other countries and not even know anythign going around in the world,”

I’ll grant you that many Americans are ignorant about foreign affairs. The problem is, when you run into one that isn’t, he or she tends to see the hypocrisy behind criticism of American policy from Britons who are residents of the worlds most historically hegemonous nation.

“I really hope that upcoming economies such as INDIA, CHINA, BRAZIL and RUSSIA overtake AMERICA!!!”

The reason that all four of those economies are experiencing growth is because of increased trade with the United States. That’s the reality of the situation. The US is the nexus of world trade and will be for the forseeable future.

And to say you hope those economies “overtake” America is ambiguous, given the current trend toward a more global economy. A recession in America does not mean good things for China, India, and Europe, that’s for certain.

Answer #10

its because of nationalism and pride they honestly don’t know any better im an american, but I dont think we’re even close to being a good country going to iraq was imperialism, which I don’t believe is right at all the citizens need to be more aware of international affairs, but I think part of the problem is that the government and media really messes with their heads

Answer #11

“My faith in the American people is actually a faith in this country, because I do believe it’s been blessed by God, and that’s the source of my optimism.”

Answer #12

Just a few facts about America come to mind:

Americans are generous. In 2007, Americans gave over $300 billion to charitable causes, according to the Giving USA Foundation. Records from previous years show that the largest percentage, 75 percent in 2006, comes from individual Americans, not corporations. For that same year, 65 percent of households with incomes under $100,000 gave to charity. According to Claire Gaudiani, a professor at NYU’s Heyman Center for Philanthropy, “It tells you something about American culture that is unlike any other country.” She says that Americans give twice as much as the next most charitable country.

Americans volunteer. According to government statistics, last year 60.8 million Americans volunteered in one way or another, putting in a total of 8.1 billion hours of service. These volunteers helped a variety of organizations, from religious to educational. Vast numbers of people helped to collect and distribute food while others tutored or taught. A large proportion of volunteers raised money for charity, and others found different ways to give of their time and energy. Compared to every other country in the world, America has the highest percentage of people who volunteer.

America saved the world. It is not an overstatement to say that America saved the world by defeating Nazi Germany and the Japanese in World War II. It’s frightening to imagine what the world might look like today had such evil and aggression triumphed. But that’s not the end of the story. After the war, to its great credit, the U.S. Helped to rebuild the two countries it had destroyed. And today, both are strong and important allies.

Americans are welcoming. The U.S. Accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world. As of 2000, the number of legal immigrants entering America averages one million per year. America also has a record to be proud of when it comes to offering asylum for refugees. Since World War II, the U.S. Has taken in more refugees than any other country in the world by a wide margin. For example, in 2006, the U.S. Accepted more than twice as many refugees as the next nine countries combined.

America guarantees its citizens the right to disagree. I can disagree with my congressman or my president openly and vociferously. I can protest laws I find abhorrent, such as Roe v. Wade, just as civil rights leaders fought against laws and practices that were unjust. I can express my opinion on a virtually limitless number of issues in this column and on my daily blogs without fear of a knock on my door from a government official.

Answer #13

That could well be true Legion, and I tend to agree. It may be clear that the capitalist world has a VITAL(!) interest in maintaining the global imbalance of wealth and power. However, in this unfortunate situation there remains an urgent need for IMMEDIATE help in the form of food-aid, medication, protection, etc. to the vulnerable parts of the world (think of Darfur for example). If this help can also be generated by ‘feel-good’ american charities, please let it be that way. And I think that these giving Americans deserve sincere credit for their generosity! What they are doing helps! Constructive political and social change will take longer and is a harder, more intensive and far from glorious struggle. Simplifying the problem by stating: ‘for everything given…something is taken’ is hardly helpful. Neither is sarcasm. Politically motivated small-talk can be as counteractive as religious stereotypical statements.

Answer #14

That could well be true Legion, and I tend to agree. It may be clear that the capitalist world has a VITAL(!) interest in maintaining the global imbalance of wealth and power. However, in this unfortunate situation there remains an urgent need for IMMEDIATE help in the form of food-aid, medication, protection, etc. to the vulnerable parts of the world (think of Darfur for example). If this help can also be generated by ‘feel-good’ american charities, please let it be that way. And I think that these giving Americans deserve sincere credit for their generosity! What they are doing helps! Constructive political and social change will take longer and is a harder, more intensive and far from glorious struggle. Simplifying the problem by stating: ‘for everything given…something is taken’ is hardly helpful. Neither is sarcasm. Politically motivated small-talk can be as counteractive as religious stereotypical statements.

Answer #15

To be honest the majority of the world dislikes America and Americans and there are reasons for it…one of them being mentioned in this question…and also americans tend not to know about current affairs in other countries and not even know anythign going around in the world, which is what makes them so ignorant…they think they are the best, when clearly they are not!!…I agree that there are americans who arn’t as ignorant and keep a brief knowledge of current affairs, however this is only a minority of people.

At the end of the dya you can’t blame anyone else if America is disliked by so many people and countries as it is there own fault!

I really hope that upcoming economies such as INDIA, CHINA, BRAZIL and RUSSIA overtake AMERICA!!!

Answer #16

We are all human and we all have flaws. Not all Americans think they are the best… but some of us are proud. I have two brothers in the U.S. Army, one in the Marines, and one in the Air Force. They have all been to Iraq and Afghanastan… and yeah we may not all be as smart as you, and our pride in our country may upset you… but I am proud of my brothers… I am not saying I am pro war but I am pro soldier. I’m not saying it was a good idea for bush to send our men and women over there..so as far as thinking america is better then everyone else… I don’t know about that… but we are blessed and most of us are thankful… as I’m sure you have some over patriotic australians. And if you don’t like our kiss my butt attitude… Nobody is asking you to cross the water so stay home.

Answer #17

Yep…those were the answers I expected. Power, money, cellphones?, Hollywood? gods chosen nation…??? Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there is a lot of good, it’s just the ego that drives me up the wall. One day…it’s gunna kick you in the rear, and you won’t know what hit you. Good luck.

Answer #18

Hmm. . . . He likes communist. . . . And he deleted his account. . . .

Answer #19

No, we mustn’t pick on the poor old US, how distasteful of me…I don’t know what I was thinking. I bow down to your overwhelming authority over the rest of the world…

Thats Mr. Dundee to you…captian…my hero

Answer #20

because we are the best.

Answer #21

I am so confused…

What on earth are you all talking about?

Anyway, most nations think they are they best. That’s where all the conflict comes from, at its worst, but it can just be a sign of a healthy sense of confidence and contentment, at its best.

Answer #22

So, GENERALLY you DON’T think Americans consider themselves the best? You seem unable to answer the question at hand. If your not here to answer my question, but keep venturing to this spot merely to comment on my class, etc, etc. I must have struck a nerve in your well-educated soul…that in itself indicates to me that you see yourself as some kind of Sheriff, trying to educate the rest me about political correctness…Just answer the question and move on. I wanted to see how people would react, Thankyou for showing your true colours…

Answer #23

We think we are the best because we are. . . . I would want to live anywhere else. We have more cellphones than any other country. We have a media full of Morons yes and a congress run by self serving idiots ( not all of them just most of them.) We have Hollywood and the NFL and WE are the most powerful country on the face of the planet. God blesses us. . . . .

Answer #24

Sorry, that should of course be: any CHANCE that you guys spare a few transport helicopters for Sudan?

Answer #25


Contradict much?

Answer #26

Probably because all the money they save from building their tiny “skyscrapers” goes to the military to bomb other countries. Places like Dubai focus on architectual acheivements and not bombs and war, so that is why America is considered the best because of its military strength. It focuses the most on its military strength but it lacks and is far behind all other countries and places like Dubai in basically every other technological area.

Answer #27

*Universal Energy Save us just didn’t sound right…is that ok with you Sheriff?

Why don’t you call it the ‘Great Spirit’ …like some Native Americans. Or do you have a problem with NATIVE Americans too?

Answer #28

Captain political correct? Now that is funny. . . .

Answer #29

Yea… your missing all the good stuff that America did. and the WMD’s are due to the fact that we have money, money=good. Also, you say that as if we go around attacking other countries with them. We don’t do it at random and we hardly do it at all. Just because we have them doesn’t mean we’re using them wrongly/at all. And for the polution? We might be in the top three, but we’re also in the top three for solving world pollution problems which, in the long run, will help a hella lot more than we’re hurting.

Let’s face it, America is the best.

Answer #30


Answer #31

Good. Now go to your room, and ‘think’ about what you’ve said…

Answer #32

It already has…or did you miss something?

Answer #33

You are making generalizations. That in itself is the WORST…

Answer #34

lol… quite possibly… or just anyone who disagrees with him.

Answer #35

Hey Jkwix21,

Any change you guys can spare a few transport helicopters for Sudan? Shouldn’t be a problem, I think… , would you?

Answer #36

I think he has a problem with everyone.

Answer #37

I’m just glad countries like China & North Korea aren’t into preemptive actions…YET

If they WERE… then YOU’D be screwed…

Answer #38

Yeah, I was wondering why the name & pic suddenly changed… but who cares. It was an invalid sweeping question anyway.

Answer #39

highly doubt it, at least not anytime in this lifetime

Answer #40

I don’t think that. I think God made us all equal.

Answer #42

So you started this thread, just to bash the Yanks? Oh, nice display of class there, Dundee…

Answer #43

Here is a quote from Desmond Tutu, on the Elder’s mission to Sudan.

“The ones who ought to be held in high regard are not the ones who are military powerful, nor even economically prosperous. They are the ones who have a commitment to try and make the world a better place”.

source: www.theelders.org

Answer #44

1737 answers…you obviously use your time effectively

Shakes head

Answer #45

I had another thought.

I’m a teacher and my classes are made up of English-speaking children in a French school - they have at least one American, British or German parent, normally. I set the 11-year olds the task of writing about their family. They’re a rather tricky class and tend to jeer at eachother unless I keep a close eye on them.

However, when one boy read out: ‘My family is the best in the world…’ instead of laughter, there was a collective ripple of approval. They seemed to recognise that everyone should think their own family is best, and were happy that he’d voiced what they all felt about their own families.

That’s the lesson our nations need to learn.

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