Who will you vote for in the Presidential election?

Who will you vote for in the 2008 presidential election and why? I haven’t exercised my right to vote in the 3 years that I have been able to and have decided to take the time and do it this year. I would like to know your opinions on the subject and any other information you would like to throw in to help me make an educated decision about who I will vote for. Thanks!

Answer #1

I believe its time we took back our country from all the crooked politicians who’s agenda is lining their pockets with money from special interest groups. We are over taxed in this country, we are paying for a war overseas (which I believe was right in the begenning but now that we have liberated Iraq its time to leave) and paying to rebuild it. They are paying .20 cents a gallon for gasoline while we are paying on average 3.00 per gallon. They should be paying us for being there if they want us to stay and protect them. I believe the best man for the job is Ron Paul because he is a true Constituitionalist. He wants to bring our troops back from all foreign fields and use them to protect our borders. He wants to abolish the IRS (which if we stopped spending billions overseas to keep our presence in all parts of the world we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in. He wants to abolish the federal reserve which is made up of 12 bankers who are incontrol of the money. The federal reserve is not a part of the government it is a private instituition. They loan money to the government and then charge interest on it. That’s what your income tax is paying for this interest. We need to get rid of the federal reserve. That’s what we have a treasury department for. He who controls the money controls the people. This will be the hardest election for choosing who to vote for. If Ron dosen’t make it on the republican ticket I hope he will change his affiliation to the Independent ticket. I will vote for him. I have been a registered republican for the past 30 years and I believe my party has abandoned me. I have donated and supported them all these years only to be let down. I believe in pro life, freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is guaranteed by the constituition of the United States of America.

Answer #2

I will vote for Bill Richardson… just look at his past experience. If you go to www.bbc.com and search for the candidates for the 2008 election you can find a page that has all the major runners Republican and Democrat alike… and provides a brief description of them. If you read down the list of course you read about Clinton and how much money she raise, Obama and how his mother is American father from Kenya, but then you get to Richardson… and there. There is a man who has experience in the world and at home, nominated for the peace prize 3 times for crying out loud. Who do you want running the country? - someone who smiles nice for the camera and knows how to gather a lot of money to spend on THEMSELF? Who knows how to sweet talk any situation that benefits their personal goals? I can’t say that Richardson is perfect, who knows… but if all people can talk about for Hilary and such is the amount of money she has in her camp, I would go with the person with real and impressive experience…

Answer #3

I will vote for Bill Richardson… just look at his past experience. If you go to www.bbc.com and search for the candidates for the 2008 election you can find a page that has all the major runners Republican and Democrat alike… and provides a brief description of them. If you read down the list of course you read about Clinton and how much money she raise, Obama and how his mother is American father from Kenya, but then you get to Richardson… and there. There is a man who has experience in the world and at home, nominated for the peace prize 3 times for crying out loud. Who do you want running the country? - someone who smiles nice for the camera and knows how to gather a lot of money to spend on THEMSELF? Who knows how to sweet talk any situation that benefits their personal goals? I can’t say that Richardson is perfect, who knows… but if all people can talk about for Hilary and such is the amount of money she has in her camp, I would go with the person with real and impressive experience…

Answer #4

I’ll vote for the person that exhibits good values and integrity - in other words, pickin’s are slim - still studying but I think there is one running - for me, definately must be pro-life and supports our military in words and deeds, not just ‘words’.

Answer #5

well there are a bunch of pople who were running(im and ot sure it they still are)such as Ron Paul Steve Kubby George Phillies Ralph Nader Mitt Romney John McCain Barack Obama Hilary Clinton Bill Richardson Newt Gingrich Rudi Giuliani John Edwards Joe Biden Chris Dodd Tommy Tompson Tom Tancredo George Pataki Mike Gravel Tom Vilsack Duncan Hunte I guess its really your own personal oppinion

Answer #6

I am still deciding who is the best candidate based on the balance of the morals I grew up with and who seems the most interested in protecting the liberties that our country was founded on. I refuse to be restrained by party in my decision. I have found in the recent past that party loyalty has the potential to get you screwed. Loyalty to your belief system and who as an individual based first and foremost on their track record and second on the values they claim is the best bet. How do these two items measure up to your true beliefs? I commend you for exercising your right to vote this time around and wish you the best.

Answer #7


Answer #8

Obama would have to do something pretty bad for me to vote for Hilary. She’s so full of herself and bull.

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