Politics & Law Questions

  1. Does anyone think that some people are stuck in the 1950's?
  2. Should Obama have the courage to debate Sean Hannity?
  3. Smart Potheads Stand up!!!
  4. think about the video's McShame made about Obama?
  5. How do all europeans hate americans?
  6. Who thinks Marijuanna should be legal?
  7. Why hilary clinton got booted off the election?
  8. Is President Bush NOT interested in reducing need for abortion?
  9. Sagging pants.
  10. These are some reasons I think you shouldnt have an abortion
  11. Is it true Obama's father was involved in Poligamy?
  12. How come Obama is such a lyer?
  13. Im being serious
  14. Was Iraq better off with Saddam
  15. How can Barack Obama defeat special interests in Washington and deliver for the American people?
  16. If the next president appoints three supreme court justices, how will their choices affect the American people?
  17. Barack hussein obama
  18. is it just me or is america full of sh!t and lies?
  19. What style would you consider this to be?
  20. Moving and immigration
  21. Just Give Peace A Chance
  22. The pledge of alligience...
  23. Why would anyone vote Republican anymore?
  24. Anyone Voting For Nader?
  25. Gordon Brown
  26. Why does our government suck so much?
  27. What is a liberal?
  28. Presidential Candidates and the economy
  29. Do you know eritrea?
  30. Who is Anne Frank?
  31. Why do the patriotic ignore problems?
  32. UPA Government?
  33. On d-day 33 senators voted against english as primary language?
  34. Is John Edwards being considered for the VP slot ?
  35. Who loves our Military?
  36. How come the Democratic Party is ruined?
  37. Would this country ever go back to the Ronald Reagan era?
  38. Wich Newspaper is Biased? The Washington post, or New York times?
  39. Did you all hear Obama went to Iraq?
  40. Who doesn't want to rag on bush?
  41. Why would any American vote for Obama?
  42. Why dae folk oan this always go oan bwt america
  43. Why do people think that jews are stingy?
  44. National themes
  45. What do you think about...
  46. Abandoned dog. Who do I report the owners to?
  47. U.S. government agencies
  48. Why do people hang the Confederate flag
  49. Compensation for Brit Soldiers, who agrees?
  50. What should I do?
  51. What about the recent New Yorker cartoon cover ?
  52. What do americans think of irish people
  53. How old is barrack obama?
  54. Does deregulation ever work?
  55. Do you believe Jimmy Carter was right?
  56. Is John McCain disabled or not?
  57. What is socialist and why is communism bad?
  58. What the war in iraq is about. Is it over oil? Wmds?
  59. With the Democrats selling out on FISA and the war...
  60. Legalizing suicide
  61. Why are we set to allow wiretapping in the US without a warrant?
  62. What are ex-felons supposed to do?
  63. Is it wrong or right to miss 61% of the votes you should be in on?
  64. Meeting between Singh and Bush
  65. Is it wrong to support the idea of communism?
  66. Iraq prime minister insisting on U.S withdrawal
  67. How to seal a court records
  68. Do you think Dubya will listen?
  69. How can I get a hardship license to go to school?
  70. Going to war with Iran?
  71. Anarcho-syndicalism
  72. Burning Issue in India
  73. U.S citizens, what's your opinion on energy prices?
  74. Drinking age in Germany?
  75. A question for americans
  76. I got a crush on obama
  77. Hispanic Immigrants
  78. How come liberals think that Obama is special?
  79. Marijuana Education
  80. Is the feeling of betrayal justified ?
  81. Large hadron collider
  82. Economic Stimulus Check
  83. Why do people say the US is arrogant?
  84. Is it right?
  85. Who would be the best runningmate for Obama or MCain?
  86. Alaska's dividend for gas costs
  87. What would a Obama Presidency be like if he wins?
  88. Water balloons = battery?
  89. Gun rights ruling: agree or disagree ?
  90. Tell me what the truth is
  91. Should I be charged with assault?
  92. Past Presidents
  93. What does leva mean
  94. Will the gas prices drop?
  95. How do you feel on MCaine's position on offshore drilling?
  96. Immigrating to ireland
  97. Judges have become crafters of law good thing or bad thing ?
  98. This election holding true or ignoring ?
  99. 13 year olds working in politics?
  100. Whats the difference between liberalism and libertarianism?