Why does our government suck so much?

Why Does Our Government Suck So Much As I Mean I understand that its one of the best governments in the world but still why does it suck so much there so much sht going on like why do our laws suck so much we should be able to smoke and sh*t bla bla bla I dont know I just wanted to right a wierd question. what do you guys think

Answer #1

don’t listen to babygirl1220.

your allowed to have your own opinion. bush really does suck, I agreee.

Answer #2

I think America has the problems it has because we have grown complacent and used to luxury. We have forgotten our history lessons. But I have great hope that we will remember them in the future when they are needed.

Answer #3

Marketing, combined with public education, ensure that the vast majority of votes will go to the Republicans and Democrats, neither of whom care the least about the citizens. It’s just a power grab.

People have been conditioned into thinking their votes are much more important than they actually are - leading them to vote for the Republican-Democrat false dichotemy every time.

Answer #4

OK first of all neither of you are old enough to vote but I would suggest that if you really hate this government so much you get involved in politics and voice your oppinion (in a more tasteful manner though) when you are old enough to vote do so as soon as possible the only way change can come around is if people take charge and try to change it… Second of all while you may or may not agree with Pres. Bush, he is still the POTUS and should be treated with respect. Third of all, I am curious as to any possible alternatives you may have to any of the GOP’s decisons?

Answer #5

it’s the way it is becuse you need to be contrled, or it would be a lot worse.

Answer #6

Everything sucks right now because george bush sucks…

Simple as that

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