Why do people hang the Confederate flag

why do people still use the confederate flag ??? especially texans…

Answer #1

It’s a Southern symbol of heritage, which means different things to different people - good/bad depends on your perspective.

Answer #2

I have a panting of the confederate flag on my wall the reason its there is because of a southern nationalism I have and the pride of southern soldiers fighting for a independent south that has a limited government.

Answer #3

Why couldnt your boyfriend hang the American flag if anything?

Answer #4

Nice answer, eleni…

Answer #5

I live in Tennesse. At one point I lived in Alabama. I also have lived in Virginia…

Trust me, EVERY southerner KNOWS what that flag stands for…

Heritage? Slavery!

Answer #6

My fathers fought on the Confederate side of this war. Their first goal was to protect their families from “Yankee” invasion - and we really had it tough there with burnings, rapes, assaults, etc. Their second goal was to keep the black man in his place. I have read a copy of a letter from one of my forefathers mentioning this.

I am proud of most my heritage but not the injustice and inhumanity of slavery. I will never fly the Confederate flag out of respect for my forefathers because they were wrong about this and I have no wish to throw that in everyone’s face. Rather, I try to remember and honor them for the good they did. I try to live well and appreciate my freedom because that’s obviously something they valued for me. Just a pity they didn’t value it for everyone equally.

Answer #7

Yeah, theres a lot of people who have confederate flags where I live. My mom always points them out. There was a guy who had a company and he had a confederate flag instead of the American flag, someone took it down and burned it.

Answer #8

Could it be that she is just a rebellious girl that doesn’t know any better? How old is she? Do you think she has reached the point of maturity yet?

Those are some of the basic questions to ask.

It’s ok. Texas is not that great.. kinda boring. At least I haven’t met your rebellious teen.

Answer #9

hah well she was like in her 20s…

but shes not the only one…

they had it hung on the Tennessee capital building!

I mean seriously… lots of people still use it


Answer #10

eww hell no, id never live there :P

lots of people still use it.

I guess it was unfair to say Texas in particular, I was just angry because someone I was talking to online was from texas and their icon was a girl that said “Texan girl” and had the confederate flag in the background.

Answer #11

I was born and raised in Texas. I don’t know why or how anyone would be proud of the history behind the confederate flag. Yes, it has a history, but is it one worth celebrating? “My ancestors fought with this flag to protect the institution of slavery during the civil war.” Again, I don’t know why anyone would be proud of that unless they are racist.

Answer #12

I live in the South, it’s very very common to see people with Confederate shirts, flags, etc. It’s not a racist or hate thing, it’s pride. And no it is not because “the South is upset about the Civil War”, it’s because we’re proud of how we fought and our history. A lot of families around here hang it because its a simple of their past because their ancestors fought in it.

Answer #13

Too many confusing colors I would assume.

Wouldn’t a bunch of lines make you feel dizzy if you stared at it long enough?

All those taunting stripes… AAAHHH!!!

For a while it became a fashion that was soon banned by the school board proclaiming it to be “a rebellious act and disturbing/distracting to some”

I mean, kids wearing them on their clothes or whatever these days probably don’t even know how to SPELL confederate.

Answer #14

I’m sure THEY wouldn’t know why if you asked them, to be honest. My boyfriend has one hanging on his wall… but to be honest, it’s because it helps hide a huge hole in the wall.


If for anything, I would think it may be for dignity and pride of what that flag stood for and how it was taken in battle so many years ago.

Ask your grandfather.

Answer #15

Southerners who display the flag are trying to send a message…a horrible, horrible message…

Answer #16

haha toadaly made me laugh. Its Coloradans thank you :)

Answer #17

They havent gotten over the fact that they lost yet

Answer #18

^Wrong, get your facts straight.

Answer #19

You damn Coloradians, er Coloradonians, er commie pinko colo-fascists could never understand.


Answer #20


Answer #21

In Europe, we assume it’s because they’re racists and think they should still have n*s as slaves.

Answer #22

Good question. I dont understand it either. Is the south upset about the outcome of the Civil War still?

Answer #23

Did you hear they hung it on a road in Tampa? on Martin Luther King Blvd!

Answer #24

What was that?

Uhm. I haven’t seen anyone with a confederate flag.

You live in texas?

Answer #25

They hang it either because they are ignorant to what it really stands for, or they are racist because they really know what it stands for.

amblessed: “It’s a Southern symbol of heritage, which means different things to different people - good/bad depends on your perspective.”

It is no more a symbol of southern heritage than the swastika is a symbol of German heritage. They tried to use that argument when South Carolina senate voted in 2000 to remove the flag from the top of the dome of the state house. Opponents were fierce in their defense claiming it was there because of heritage, not hate. But they failed to point out that the flag had not flown there since the civil war. It was put there in 1962 as a direct slap in the face to the civil rights movement. Would you say that using the flag as a protest AGAINST the civil rights movement represents heritage, or hate?

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