Who is Anne Frank?

Who is Anne Frank?

Answer #1

A jewish girl that had a sister named Margot a she got a call up notice meaning that Nazis (Hitlers people) wanted to take her into a concentration camp. Her family then had to go into hiding to protect themselves from the Nazis. In the end and after hiding after 25 months in an old building in hiding they were turned in for less than a quarter from the people that were trying to help them. Anne her sister and mother wer all sent to a concentration camp and killed, her father lived tho. and Miep ( a lady that help provided them food while they wer in hinding) found annes diary the day they were all takin away and turned it into a book.

              I think I got that right. It is a vey good story and makes me want to cry when I think about it. Its great!! you should read it! :)
Answer #2

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE TO BE IGNORANT WHEN IT COMES TO ANN FRANK???!!!COME ON people!!!YOUVE ONLY BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE GIRL SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!READ A LITTLE PEOPLE!!!its because of human beings like ann frank ghandi and m.l.k that we are here as we are now…true all she did was write a diary…but it allowed us to identify with her and her situation.become aware people…learn!!!

Answer #3

yea she was a jewish girl who went into hiding with her family and a few other people because the nazis were going out and capturing jews then sending them to concentration camps and eventually Anne and the others were captured and sent to the camps and in the end only her father survived and I believe he found her diary which is in a museum somewhere today

Answer #4

I;m not all that sure of who she is but we went to some play last year for beta club and I know it has something to do with a diary and yes I acured during world war 2 kinda interesting actually

Answer #5

a book didn’t help me identify with the jewish community, my aunt did that and her mum, who still had her ‘tattoo’ on her barcode tattoo on her arm…more than some book

Answer #6

she was a jew in germany in the second world war who went into hiding because of the nazis otherwise she would have been sent to concentration camp and be worked to death in the end she did get found out her and her family all got sent to concentration camp and she got killed. she hid in an old attic with 8 other people and they put a bookcase up I hope this helped . you should really read the diary of aanne frank it is touching and great xx

Answer #7

she was a jew in germany in the second world war who went into hiding because of the nazis otherwise she would have been sent to concentration camp and be worked to death in the end she did get found out her and her family all got sent to concentration camp and she got killed. she hid in an old attic with 8 other people and they put a bookcase up I hope this helped . you should really read the diary of aanne frank it is touching and great xx

Answer #8

she wrote a diary during the 2nd world war I think, good book - you reading it?

Answer #9

no I just herd her name and wondered who she was thx for the answer though

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