Did you all hear Obama went to Iraq?

Did you all hear Obama went to Iraq? He went to the war zone to praise our troops and all that, and, you know, he was in for a big surprise. He thought that the surge wasn’t working but, he was wrong!! He’ll always be wrong and, no matter what happens, he’ll be a president with wrong ideas for the country. So, I was just wondering if you all heard that he went to Iraq for part of his campaign? If you know, I would love to read your opinions. Regardless of haters like myself, and well, I might as well let the Obama supporters answer this question too. But, I would also like great Americans like myself be included and I mean great conservatives like myself. Good luck and, hope to get both negative and positive answers from both sides.

Answer #1

He definitely did not go to Iraq to ‘praise’ the troops - even after seeing first-hand the surge success: 1) he was he would still vote against it today 2) in his speech mentions ‘troops’ weakly and immediately added BUT the different factions agreed to come together - couldn’t bring himself to congratulate the greatest fighting force in the world the U.S. military - he makes it obvious he would rather win a compaign, than win a war - notice he had a mandate of ‘no surge’ in Iraq, yet now his mandate is ‘surge’ in Afghanistan - what happened to his ‘Surge CANNOT work’ ? - it is fun though, to watch all the anchors of the majors networks get all giddy and wet their pants and like Chris Matthews, get tinglings running up and down his leg at the mere mention of his name isn’t it !! - I can’t figure out his name: Obama, Nobomba, or Obamassiah !! - One empty suit, one non-Leader !! - can’t wait to read the ‘can do no wrong’ ‘we are the change that we seek’ Lovers - excuse makers response over the coming months !!

Answer #2

I wonder…

Before Obama’s trip to Iraq, he said that he intended to give the military a “new mission” – all of the combat troops withdrawn within 16 months. Why bother traveling to Iraq and consulting with commanders on the ground, if he’s already decided on a new mission?

In 2004, he called it unwise to announce a timetable. By 2008, however, he announced a 16-month timetable. Only a few days ago, his top campaign strategist stated that he is “not wedded” to that timetable. The next day, he reiterated his 16-month timetable, but added it’s important not to “undo” our gains. Isn’t this confusing?

On Iran, he criticized Bush for leaving all options on the table up to and including a “military option.” And during the campaign season, he criticized Sen. Clinton for voting to call the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terror organization. But he later said that, as to Iran, all military options are on the table, and said that he considers the Revolutionary Guard a terror organization. Did the facts change or the politics change?

Answer #3

But perhaps people who don’t like Obama would have found something to criticise if he HAD done the visit. He can do no right for some, and no wrong for others - both views seem unrealistic!

Answer #4

In the UK his visit to Iraq has been reported positively. My dad, who is a Conservative voting ex-serviceman, doesn’t have a bad word to say for either Obama or McCain. He thinks they are both men of integrity who respect and like each other. He would happily accept either of them as his Commander in Chief.

Answer #5

Obama after many months has finally admitted ‘yes, indeed the surge did work’ - wonder if he’ll let Pelosi, Reid, and Murtha in on it.

Answer #6

Amblessed, you are hopeless.

“He definitely did not go to Iraq to ‘praise’ the troops - even after seeing first-hand the surge success: 1) he was he would still vote against it today 2) in his speech mentions ‘troops’ weakly and immediately added BUT the different factions agreed to come together - couldn’t bring himself to congratulate the greatest fighting force in the world the U.S. military - he makes it obvious he would rather win a compaign, than win a war - notice he had a mandate of ‘no surge’ in Iraq, yet now his mandate is ‘surge’ in Afghanistan - what happened to his ‘Surge CANNOT work’ ? - it is fun though, to watch all the anchors of the majors networks get all giddy and wet their pants and like Chris Matthews, get tinglings running up and down his leg at the mere mention of his name isn’t it !! - I can’t figure out his name: Obama, Nobomba, or Obamassiah !! - One empty suit, one non-Leader !! - can’t wait to read the ‘can do no wrong’ ‘we are the change that we seek’ Lovers - excuse makers response over the coming months !!”

I see you have been boning-up on your GOP talking points.

Obama has praised the job the troops are doing, and he always has done that.

The surge has not acheived what is was meant to do. The main goal of the surge was was political reconciliation in iraq through an increase military presence. These were the goals set forth by the white house for the surge:

  1. Let the Iraqis lead;
  2. Help Iraqis protect the population;
  3. Isolate extremists;
  4. Create space for political progress;
  5. Diversify political and economic efforts; and
  6. Situate the strategy in a regional approach.

The surge partially acheived 2 and 3, and no progess was made on any of the others. Yes, violence is reduced, and that is great, but we are not any closer to a political solution. If we had started pulling out a year ago, the violence probably still would have decreased, and the Iraqis would be that much closer to taking over. McCain is taking credit for something that never occured.

You call Obama an empty suit? That is pretty funny. Old Man McCoot doesn’t know what the hell he is talking about lately. His gaffs have been huge and numerous, and the press just ignores it. CBS News even went so far as to completely edit out a completely wrong answer he gave to Katie Curic in an interview yesterday, about when the Sunni Awakening started, and tried to say it occurred because of the surge. The sunni Awakening started long before the surge. FOUR MONTHS before. Here is the transcript:

Couric: Senator McCain, Sen. Obama says, while the increased number of U.S. troops contributed to increased security in Iraq, he also credits the Sunni awakening and the Shiite government going after militias. And says that there might have been improved security even without the surge. What’s your response to that?

McCain: I don’t know how you respond to something that is such a false depiction of what actually happened. Colonel McFarlane (phonetic) was contacted by one of the major Sunni sheiks. Because of the surge we were able to go out and protect that sheik and others. And it began the Anbar awakening. I mean, that’s just a matter of history. Thanks to General Petraeus, our leadership, and the sacrifice of brave young Americans. I mean, to deny that their sacrifice didn’t make possible the success of the surge in Iraq, I think, does a great disservice to young men and women who are serving and have sacrificed.

They were out there. They were protecting these sheiks. We had the Anbar awakening. We now have a government that’s effective. We have a legal system that’s working, although poorly. And we have progress on all fronts, including an incredible measure of security for the people of Iraq. There will still be attacks. Al Qaeda’s not defeated. But the progress has been immense. And to not recognize that, and why it happened, and how it happened, I think is really quite a commentary.

So McCoot criticizes Obama about not understanding what is happening at the same time he himself proves how little he uderstands. In the version of the interview that actually aired, CBS cut out the gaff, and inserted an answer to a completely different question. So please spare me the “Obama being treated with kid gloves by the press” crap. The press is in love with McCain, and even bring him coffee and his favorite donuts.

You need to educate yourself better amblessed.

Answer #7

“Obama, Nobomba, or Obamassiah !!

That’s probably the single most racist thing I’ve read on this site to date.”

maybe editor meant to say it was the single most IGNORANT thing…

or the single most RUDE thing…

or the single most HATEFUL thing…

or the single LEAST christian thing…

Answer #8


Obama, Nobomba, or Obamassiah !!

That’s probably the single most racist thing I’ve read on this site to date.

Answer #9

BERLIN (AP) - Sen. Barack Obama scrapped plans to visit wounded members of the armed forces in Germany as part of his overseas trip, a decision his spokesman said was made because the Democratic presidential candidate thought it would be inappropriate on a campaign-funded journey - he shot hoops instead.

My opinion: It is never inappropriate to visit our men and women in the military.

Answer #10

7/25/08: Please disregard my BERLIN (AP) entry above - Clarification came out today: It turns out that the Pentagon did in fact tell Obama that in this case, it was not only “inappropriate,” but against DOD rules, for him to conduct the visit with campaign staff.

“We have longstanding Department of Defense policy in regards to political campaigns and elections,” Pentagon spokesperson Elizabeth Hibner told me. “We informed the Obama staff that he was more than welcome to visit as Senator Obama, with Senate staff. However, he could not conduct the visit with campaign staff.”

Answer #11

This morning Obama’s campaign e-mailed reporters the script for his first Spanish-language radio ad of the general election - ‘’His father was an immigrant. His mother from a humble, middle class family. Through student loans and hard work, he graduated from college.’’

But about an hour later the campaign sent out what it said was the final script, which changed those lines to read:

‘’He grew up without a father — raised by his mother with the support of his grandparents.’’

Wonder why immigrant father dropped like so many others.

Answer #12

amblessed, I thought those names for Obama were pretty since to me, they weren’t racist. All these liberals think we’re racist which we’re not, aren’t we allowed to call him names? Well, Obama, is, a disgrace, and a hipocrit. I thought, editor was wrong to say that about your answer but, well, what are you going to do? Anyway, I wanted to add this comment. Great job and, keep up this kind of thing. Again, you’re a great american!!

Answer #13

Hey amblessed, Instead of recycling someones blog entries, can you actually provide the exact quotes you are citing, including date and location. I have looked and can not find any quotes where he said any of that. If they are in any way accurate, I am sure they being taken comlpetely out of context. Something the GOP does all the time, and you seem to be more than happy to promote it.

Obama has not once changed his stance on Iraq. He said nothing a few days ago, that is anything different from what he said last year. He always said the GOAL will be to draw down in 16 months, but he would always monitor the situation on the gound and make any necessary changes. That doesn’t mean he has changed the goal.

This is only GOP obfuscation and redirection.

Answer #14

Thanks, amblessed. Not everyone bothers to correct information when new data comes in.

Answer #15

Thanks, flossheal…

Answer #16

I’m an Obama supporter! Don’t hate lol

Answer #17

WOW!! Are you serious?? You people are ridiculous. Do any of you know what is actually at stake in this election? Have you been paying attention? If any of you knew John McSame’s policies and what he stands for, I guarantee you would have a different view. I urge anyone who is unsure about who to vote for, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Get the facts. Do not listen to hear say. Truth is there are still many racists people who will not vote for Obama just because he is HALF BLACK, and as hard as it is for me to accept it, I do. But at the same time, if you care about domestic issues like affordable healthcare, affordable education, more and better paying jobs, and other things that affect everyday people then please do your research and find out what both candidates positions are on these issues and I promise you the choice will be clear. There are a lot of things that need to be addressed and fixed in this country and it will take a democrat to do it. The republicans only care about big business. The Democrats are for the american people. Please know your history before you speak ignorance. Did you know that John McSame is against Roe v Wade? Do your research. Did you know that John McSame doesn’t know anything about the economy? Do your research. Did you know that John McSame is against WOMEN RIGHTS? Do your research. Did you know that John McSame wants to continue Bush’s tax cuts for the rich? Do your research. Did you know that John McSame wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years? OK you probably knew that already. Did you know that John McSame wants to get rid of affirmative action? DO YOUR RESEARCH. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! We actually have a chance to elect a president that is actually for the people. I wouldn’t care if he was green and orange with purple polk a dots on his forehead, HE IS FOR THE PEOPLE!!! Obama is a breath of fresh air and represents change that is desperately needed in Washington. If you do know know Obama and what he represents, I urge you to DO YOUR RESEARCH. Review his voting record in the senate—He is for the people—YouTube some of his speeches—He is for the people–Read his books. Just get to know him and you will know he is what we need. Get rid of the special interests in Washington and elect Barack Obama for President.


  1. He will ONLY raise taxes for the rich, people making over $250,000 a year which is about 1% of the population.

  2. He will eliminate taxes for senior citizens making $50,000 a year or less.

  3. He will take those same tax cuts that Bush gives to the rich and give them to people who really need them, people making $150,000 a year or less.

  4. Universal Healthcare for all Americans.

  5. He will bring our troops home and use the $10 billion a month that we have been spending in Iraq on America’s needs.

  6. He does not take money from federal lobbyists so there will be no one telling him what to do. He will be working for the american people.

Basically, everything that is broken, Obama will fix. He is not a magician nor will it be easy but everything that needs to be done could have already been done, we’ve just never had anybody to stand up for us and special interests have been controlling Washington. Just look around, it’s pretty obvious. Bush has been the worst president in American History. And now, it will take the smartest, most intellectual president that we have ever had to clean up after his mess. Thank You God for sending us Barack Obama. The world will be a much better place becasue of it. Trust. You’ll See. And oh yea…before you make up your mind who to vote for, DO YOUR RESEARCH. He is not as bad as conservatives claim him to be. They are just frustrated that they cant find any dirt on him, not to mention the wonderful pictures from overseas. THEY ARE HATERS!! DONT BE A HATER!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Peace..Love..Happineess…YES WE CAN!!!

Answer #18

amblessed, if he had gone visited the wounded soldiers you would have accused him of using them for political gain. I would say not making an “event” of these brave guys situation was the better thing to do.

Flossheal is right.

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