What would a Obama Presidency be like if he wins?

What would a Obama presidency be like if he wins? Would it be a disaster, or alright? need your opinions. I won’t say what I think.

Answer #1

“if you were to look at tax returns from Republicans, you’d find their charitable contribution percentage compared to their income higher than those of democrats. And that would include the hard working rich ones as well as the hard working moderate and low income Republicans. “

Ah, I see. The way you worded it before made it sound like Republicans give to causes that are nobler than Democrats. Of course, I would’ve disputed that…giving to one’s church does not necessarily mean one is giving to a worthwhile charity. And Democrats tend to volunteer more of their time to charity than Republicans.

“And the reference to Obama’s life expectancy…I thought you’d get that one…if anyone could pull off an assasination slick willy & hillary and their accomplices could. I know I’d be scared if I were in that position.”

Exactly who are these Clinton “accomplices” so able to pull off a presidential assassination?

“You know, maybe if all of us would give according to the Bible, we wouldn’t need welfare programs. “

Many New Testament passages advocate communism. So in that respect, I guess you’re right.

Answer #2

Hey you liberal Einstein(mjax1979). You can’t be serious. Do you really believe that President Bush is so powerful that he could cause a natural disaster?? And if you listened to the news today, the price of a barrel of oil is up for the whole world, not just the US. President Bush is only our President, not King of the World(that’s Leonardo DeCaprio, hehe). I can’t even imagine what the US would be like under Obama, but I don’t want to find out. I know that we only receive about 58% of our paychecks right now, and if Obama was in the White House, our paychecks would probably drop below 50%. Our country needs its people to help its own people first and on our own, not because the government says we have to. If everyone would do the research, you’d find that Republicans donate to causes far and above the Democrats. Do the short list, start with just your elected officials, that would be an eye opener. I’m so tired of some Democrats being so gullable.
I do know this, if Obama were elected President, and he had Hillary as his running mate, his life expectancy would go down significantly.

Answer #3

To mjax 1979, if you were to look at tax returns from Republicans, you’d find their charitable contribution percentage compared to their income higher than those of democrats. And that would include the hard working rich ones as well as the hard working moderate and low income Republicans. And the reference to Obama’s life expectancy…I thought you’d get that one…if anyone could pull off an assasination slick willy & hillary and their accomplices could. I know I’d be scared if I were in that position. And the reference to our income was about the taxes that he will institute to give to the welfare programs. Fortunately, the weakened dollar and the rising cost of living has afffected us minimally. God has blessed us with more than we need, which means we can help others even more than we did when we were in the middle income bracket. You know, maybe if all of us would give according to the Bible, we wouldn’t need welfare programs. By the way, I’d be very excited about the Republican ticket if Colin Powell or JC Watts of Oklahoma were on the ticket with McCain, and so would my country club cousin.

Answer #4

I love black people! I have a nephew and niece that are black and I love them sooo much. Right now, I’m not for any of these people running for president, though. I’m NOT a racist person! I love everyone equally. I’m Italian, German, Jewish, American Indian, and caucasian. I am white, but I don’t hate anyone or anything!

Answer #5

It’s interesting to me that we’re entering a recession, the country is being crippled by natural disasters, gas prices are skyrocketing, and we’re in a lengthy, costly war that has no easy end in sight…and people are screaming, “Obama, no! He’s going to ruin the country!”

Yeah, how horrible it would be if he ruined all of Bush’s great accomplishments…

Answer #6

compared to the candidates we have now… I think id prefer to have bush another 4 years… we mayhave had 9/11… but… these guys will be new… bush was new, and we had 9/11… and it resulted in a war thats still happening now… im not for McCain or Obama. so im not racist, I dont want either! I want to go to Cananda!

Answer #7

I believe an obama presidency would be a total disaster. I am not racist- just don’t care for the democratic party in general, because of what they are becoming and what they stand for. I am voting republican.

Answer #8

An Obama Presidency Would Be Like Heaven On Earth Especially Compared To The Bush Policy’s And The Bush-Like Policy’s Of A McCain Admin.

Answer #9

Liberal Einstein…I like it! It has a nice ring to it. Please address me as that from now on. Anyway…

“Do you really believe that President Bush is so powerful that he could cause a natural disaster??”

I certainly don’t think Bush’s track record in managing the federal response to such disasters has been good. Do you?

“And if you listened to the news today, the price of a barrel of oil is up for the whole world, not just the US.”

And if you listened to the news today, or bothered studying macroeconomics, you’d know that the fiscal and monetary policies of the Bush administration are directly responsible for the weakened US dollar. Since oil is traded in dollars on the world market, this has been one of the major factors in driving up the cost of oil per barrel for Americans.

“I know that we only receive about 58% of our paychecks right now, and if Obama was in the White House, our paychecks would probably drop below 50%.”

Your diminshed paycheck power is the result of the weakened dollar, the heightened cost of living, and the inability of wages to keep pace with that cost of living. Obama does not favor raising taxes on all income brackets; since I seriously doubt you are mega-rich, you’d really have little to worry about tax-wise from an Obama administration.

“If everyone would do the research, you’d find that Republicans donate to causes far and above the Democrats.”

Just out of curiosity, what causes are you referring to?

“I do know this, if Obama were elected President, and he had Hillary as his running mate, his life expectancy would go down significantly.”

Is that because your cousin Jeb and his rascals from Puckasaw County would load up their shotguns and go a-huntin’ for some black president hide?

Seriously, why do you think Obama’s election would have anything to do with his life expectancy? Assassinations these days are nearly impossible. Bush is the most hated man in the entire world, and he’s never been assassinated. Presidential security is ridiculously tight.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Why did my answer get marked unhelpful??? I didn’t do anything bad.

Answer #12

of course your not for him, we can tell by the options, I think if he was in presidency it would be GREAT. indian health services might improve :)

Answer #13

…are those the ONLY two options: disaster (OR) alright?

Answer #14

If mjax is Liberal Einstein, I guess that makes you Conservative Forest Gump…

Answer #15

He would definitely not be good for America ! - too many reasons to list.

Answer #16

Only 14, I kinda cant when my parents dont go too

Answer #17

then you should go.

Answer #18

I think it would lead to another 9/11

Answer #19

Yes, I’m white. Just don’t automatically think I’m a racist, cause I am NOT!!!

Answer #20


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