Should Obama have the courage to debate Sean Hannity?

Should Obama have the courage to debate Sean Hannity? Obama in my opinion is afraid to come on the Sean Hannity show. He’s a coward. He doesn’t like to be challenged right? If none of you are aware, Obama had one of his supporters come on the Sean Hannity show yesterday to try to tterre him up!! how stupid can Obama be!!? Anyway, this gentleman Obama sent to debate Sean named Truman Burges I think that’s what it is, will be on the Foxnews chanel on Hannity’s America on Sunday night and I think Hannity& colmes. What do you all think?

Answer #1

Sean Insannity wouldn’t last one minute in a real debate with Obama. A debate where he is not allowed to cut off his opponents so they can’t get their point accross, like he does with his “guests”. At least guests he doesn’t agree with.

Answer #2

No. There’s no such thing as DEBATING Sean Hannity, since all he does is practically scream at you and ignore everything you say.

When you go on Hannity’s show, all it is is him yelling at your and you’re sitting there not able to get a word in.

Answer #3

If the mainstream media truly had a liberal bias, they would actually be reporting about all of McCain’s gaffs and flipflops. They are occuring on a daily basis, and you see nothing about on network or even cable news. The media is in love with McCain, and they cover for him all the time. He is their buddy, and they even bring him his favorite donuts and coffee. Check this out, and tell me the press doesn’t have their nose far up McCoot’s butt.

He is a media wh*re, and they eat it up. He has actually cultivated this relationship with the press for years, even inviting them for BBQs at one of his EIGHT houses (and he has the balls to call Obama an elitist). It has paid off marvelously for him. If it weren’t for the press, he would have never gotten the nomination. The only place McCain regularly gets bad press is back home in arizona. They know him best, as the arrogant, uninformed, hot headed blowhard he is.

Answer #4

LOL, The so called mainstream media is anything but fair and balanced. Oh they are not nearly as overt as FIXED News, but they are still being controlled by their corporate owners, whose motives are not exactly in line with liberal causes. There are exceptions, like Olberman, but they are few and far between. The “liberal’ media is a myth created by conservatives.

Answer #5

Obama was president of the Harvard Law review. Do you honestly think McCain has beeter debating skills?

You are right, Obama will not go on Insannity or O’Really. Why should he? They don’t work for a legitimate news organization…

Answer #6

I agree with phalkonus, he doesn’t let anyone try to get their opinion in…it’s just him debating himself while everyone else just watchs…he’s an idiot and doesn’t give Obama a chance in any way…I hondestly don’t know who I’m voting for.

Answer #7

goodgirl - even a tv without cable has more than one channel…try changing it and you might just open your mind…

Answer #8

I’d like to see McCain debate Gore Vidal or Noam Chomsky.

Now that would take courage!

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