Health Questions

  1. get tested for STDs can I just go to my doctor
  2. sleep question!! everybody!!dont dozz off just yet!!!
  3. I don't know wats wrong with me help please
  4. facial break outage
  5. How can you make sure you smell your best down ther?
  6. How can I get rid of this feeling
  7. Girl or boy ?
  8. 3 Yr old keeps bitting
  9. Early signs of labor?
  10. Does a sore throat last more than a few days normally?
  11. How likely are you to get pregnat when the condom breaks?
  12. Get rid of head aces
  13. Curious about implantation bleeding
  14. Can I get a disease if he's clean?
  15. Why am I bleeding dark brown blood almost black blood
  16. Results of shaving legs too young
  17. When I touch my toe..
  18. Is my hair falling out ??? =/
  19. Trying for a baby, how can I tell if im pregnant ?
  20. Vitamins ; cause neon pee?
  21. Flashbacks ONCE AGAIN
  22. Bubbly stomach = pregnancy?
  23. is it possible to vomit poop?
  24. Ok so what are the sympoms of mono,
  25. Baby/Period/Relations
  26. If you smoke weed, could it damage you so much to think
  27. What kind of shower should I take for my sunburn
  28. Bloodshot eyes
  29. Is it necessary to go to the doctor for a broken toe?
  30. Ultra sound ?
  31. Could it be Implantation Bleeding?
  32. Perions & the pill
  33. I use to talk to a consular but I stoped
  34. Can I go to a haunted maze if im pregnant
  35. Lump on the inside of my vaginal lips
  36. Implanon? pain?
  37. Stop yawning!
  38. Only 2 hits
  39. Im so unhappy I dont know what to do
  40. Will I lose weight this way?
  41. BC help?
  42. What is the difference between genital herpes and genital wart?
  43. Heart beats... Iregular... Help...
  44. Period and school
  45. Is it ok to smoke marijuana while doing a body cleanse?
  46. Why we yawn when were sleepy
  47. I stopped taking birth control pills for about 4months now
  48. Sensations in my lower adbomin, not painful
  49. Birt control and a guy cums in her will se get pregnant?
  50. Bo problems
  51. today I foiund out I had a cold and my boyfriend has a col
  52. Backbones hurt I don't know why
  53. I find it hard to eat
  54. When should I take prenatal vitamins?
  55. Does the FluMist hurt ?
  56. Am I or am I not???
  57. Reading Makes Me Sick (literally)
  58. 22 weeks this somewhere what's your opinion?
  59. chances of becoming pregnant if someone cumes in you 3 times?
  60. Why do I have a really bad stomach ache and nausea?
  61. De stress
  62. If my boyfriend gets inside me but..
  63. I keep going to the toilet!
  64. A 6 day long fever and doctors cant tell why this fever?
  65. Brown spotting/bleeding.What does it mean?
  66. Birth control and missing pill.
  67. Does everyone in their life time
  68. Heating pads during pregnancy
  69. Whats pms
  70. Could my friend be prego?
  71. Broke ribs
  72. When is it ok to go to sleep after a concussion?
  73. Found out im pregnant and I want to keep the baby
  74. Difference between medical marijuana and home grown??
  75. How much taller?
  76. How tall can I grow?
  77. My girlfriend is on birth control and doesn't have her period
  78. Didn't miss your period and found out you was pregnant?
  79. activities to do with older people.
  80. High in iron foods
  81. Does anyone think there pregnant on here???
  82. If you drink a cup of cum it stops cancer ?
  83. Smoking weed being 12 weeks pg..
  84. What helps feeling down?
  85. why does my breast hurt?
  86. Cigarettes that actually do not contain any chemicals
  87. Do I need to consult a gyno or is the advice from my doctor ok ?
  88. Aureola lump
  89. Cramps during pregnancy
  90. Baby pregnant with a baby?
  91. Something in my shoulder...
  92. What to do for headaches
  93. What can I eat if I have a stomach ulcer?
  94. I'm desperate for a child, what can I do?
  95. Why am I sneezing so much with a sore throat?
  96. What can I use for a pinched nerve?
  97. Should I use tampons
  98. What does the vagina look or feel like after conception?
  99. What does smoking do to people?
  100. Why did I want to drink the blood?