BC help?

Ok I’m been on the same birth control for almost a year.

I was sick last week and I couldn’t keep my pills down when I was supposed to because everything just came right back up.
Since I’ve been sick and missed those few days of pills I’ve been lightly spotting even though I just had my period the week before I was sick.

So my question is, do I keep taking my pills everyday even though I have this annoying spotting (will it make it go away if I keep taking them?)

or should I just stop taking them for a week so I can get my period then start taking the rest of my pack of pills.

I’m not at risk for pregnancy because I’m abstinent (I take the pills for shorter periods) thats not the issue, I just want this annoying spotting to go away quickly.


Answer #1

Treat this as if it were your non-hormonal pill time. Go 7 days with no pills (or just the sugar pills) and then start a fresh pack of BC pills. If you happen to engage in sex during the next month, be sure to use a condom. (I know that you are abstinent, but forewarned is forearmed.) You can store the left over hormonal pills for an emergency backup, but there should be no additional expense. (I am assuming that you know that the last 7 pills of your pack are sugar pills, and that if the pills that you are skipping are from that group, whether you actually swallow the sugar pill or throw it away makes no difference.)

Good Luck!!

Answer #2

bimjob, once again is correct.

Most pills become redundant if you’ve missed more than three. So stop your pack wait until 7 days have passed and start a new pack. (as said above, remember that if you are to have sex, use extra protection (condom) for at least a month.)

Answer #3

Yeah but, I’d rather not fork over the money for a second form of birth control and I prefer getting a period monthly, just to know that I’m healthy and ok.

but thanks.

Answer #4

Well stop taking them for a week and then carry on taking them again , there is also the injection that you can have have it once every three months ( doesnt hurt) plus you dont get periods which is a plus !!

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