Flashbacks ONCE AGAIN

I asked this a few months ago,forgot what it was about but today during 2nd period I had a major flashback about my biggest break up so far and the messages I read when it happened,it caused me to shed tears in class,luckily nobody saw it,and caused me to be in total silence the rest of the day. How can I fully get that out of my system and my ex out of my mind cause every time any of that comes to mind,I go into silence.

BTW:What made it worse was in 3rd period this freshman kept picking with me until I got in his face and yelled at him,he made it worse.

How can I fully get that stuff out of me,it’s affecting my work?

Answer #1

Some things just take time to get over. How long ago has it been since you guys broke up? Think about all the good, positive things you have going on for you in life right now and try deleting all the messages, getting rid of all pics of her you have, etc… maybe that’ll help you get her out of your head.

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