Health Questions

  1. Why does she start shivering when she's hungry?
  2. What are the white half-moons at the bottoms of your nails and why dont they grow with your nails?
  3. Can contacts get lost in your head or something ?
  4. How do you deal with a miscarriage?
  5. how can i make my hangover better?
  6. What conditions can cause you to feel hungry very frequently?
  7. If you leave your tongue out dry, can you or your tongue die?
  8. why are my hands always so cold??
  9. What does it mean if I'm shaking, feel very cold and have a racing heart?
  10. why is my lip changing color?
  11. Is it possible to have carpal tunnel or arthritis at the age of 17?
  12. What does it mean when your tummy feels like it is rumbling constantly but not making any noise?
  13. What causes the pituitary gland to stop working?
  14. Why everytime I take my birth control pill my stomach gets sick?
  15. What well happen if u take birth control while your 2 months pregent?
  16. What is that nasty yellow-green stuff that you cough up when your sick?
  17. How much would a typiical abortion cost????
  18. What is the faster way to recover from a severely sprained ankle?
  19. How do you remove a rash overnight?
  20. why did i panic when i was high?
  21. do you have to have a pelvic exam,is it required by law?...
  22. What are these mini nervous breakdowns I get when I'm sick and why do I get them?
  23. Can you die from eating almonds, since they contain cyanide?
  24. What could this fluid filled bump on the inside of my lip be?
  25. Should i get this lump checked out?
  26. What are some things you can do to prevent inflamtion of dermitis?
  27. Whats the craziest thing you did for this year?
  28. Why does cold weather make a broken bone hurt?
  29. What is a skin condition that has these symptoms: severe dry skin, exzema, and rips in the winter?
  30. What is epidermis?
  31. What is the percent of teens and adults who cut or self injure?
  32. Why would someone cut the name of a someone into their flesh?
  33. How can I get better for christmas?
  34. Is it possible to be allergic to cold weather?
  35. Is It Safe To Go Out If You Have Bruised/Fractured Ribs?
  36. Can I have a doctor put contacts in my eyes?
  37. Would you feel a heaviness or fullness in your lower abdomen right away after conception?
  38. Why do you think I am scared to have a orgasm?
  39. What Can Increase Your Chances Of Having Twins?
  40. what is that protruding from my vagina?
  41. What is done at a phycologist appoiment when they are traying to figure out if you have depression?
  42. How to stop my eyes from burning without using eyedrops?
  43. is it a bad thing for a 14 year old girl to want to just try and smoke weed. just to see what its like?
  44. Is it bad if a 15 yr old smokes and drinks?
  45. How to cure a burn on your tongue?
  46. what is choledocholithiasis?
  47. How do eye contacts work to improve your eyesight?
  48. Are you sick if your nose is stuffed and your voice is messed up?
  49. How much does a shrink usually cost?
  50. Is it really possible to be bulimic and anorexic at the same time?
  51. how to unclog arteries?
  52. How do I lose my Self-Esteem Issues?
  53. Do you naturally start to eat healthier when you're sick?
  54. Why does it always hurt to pee after my boyfriend fingers me?
  55. how long dose swelling last for a new pirceing?
  56. Can someone recover if they have poision in their blood?
  57. why is it when my 7 week in pregnant friend eats NOTHING can be kept down?
  58. what does a heart attack feel like?
  59. Is it normal for a males skin on his pen!s to peel?
  60. How badly does it hurt to have a septate hymen surgically fixed?
  61. Why has it been so difficult for me to get pregnant after having the iud removed almost a year ago ?
  62. Is it normal to have tender breasts while on your period?
  63. Where can you get non-latex condoms and are they as effective as the latex variety?
  64. Is it true that coke cocola is oober bad for your teeth ?
  65. What are ribbed comdoms?
  66. Why do I get sad at the most random times?
  67. How can I best remove glass shards from an open wound?
  68. Could I have dislocated my shoulder?
  69. is there any side affects for HIV?
  70. Are Lobotomies still preformed on the "ill"?
  71. Why did my period disappear?
  72. how do you get the taste of cum out of your mouth?
  73. Why am i always tired during school?
  74. Why have I been getting random headaches lately?
  75. Is my upper arm muscle pulled?
  76. What is one way you relieve stress daily in your life?
  77. How dangerous is huffing helium, and have you ever done it?
  78. How does it feel to get high on salvia?
  79. is it true that when we get a flu shot, they give us the disease too or not?
  80. Can gonorrhea cause pain around the area of your kidney's or infect your kidney's?
  81. Can someone be diagnosed with anxiety/ paranoia disorders even if it doesnt always happen to them but happens enough?
  82. Is being paranoid a disorder?
  83. How do you get rid of funny-bone-itis?
  84. Whats anxiety and how does one know if they have it or something?
  85. What kind of birth control do you use/have you used and what side effects did you have?
  86. What are the major symptoms of a Latex allergy?
  87. is there any important muscle tissue in your hand?
  88. How long does chlamydia take to cause u to become infertile?
  89. what are the clumps of blood in my period?
  90. How do you get rid of anxiety?
  91. Why did i have a black-out (Pass out) ?
  92. Do you think there will ever be a 100% effective form of birth control or condom?
  93. Can you still get pregnant while using a condom as your ONLY contraceptive?
  94. Does how much sleep you get effect your weight?
  95. Do tall men have bigger "things"??
  96. Is it normal for my hands to shake?
  97. Should I be worried if my hands shake after I eat?
  98. Why Gastric Lavage is performed with the patient is sleeping on the left side?
  99. what are signs of ring worm?
  100. What can you do if you feel constantly stressed?