How long does chlamydia take to cause u to become infertile?

I have it and have not had a period in the last two months does that mean im infertile?

Answer #1

How about you go see your doctor so they can take care of the chlamydia. And they could answer this question. However, I seriously doubt that you’re infertile and that’s why you havent had your period.

Answer #2

No, it might mean that you are pregnant.

  1. Do a pregnancy test.

  2. See you Gyn.

Answer #3

SEE YOUR DOCTOR. Really, why on earth would you want to walk with a disease like this which could cause permanent damage?

Answer #4

Literally this is the shitty website… 3 ppl have responded none of which have answer the question

Answer #5

We aren’t doctors. We can’t answer a potentially life threatening question because then we might cause you not to go and cause damage to your body.

Answer #6

It’s not a matter of how long, it’s a matter of whether or not infertility happens to you - every 2 out of 10 women experience infertility from Chlamydia, and it doesn’t matter how long it goes untreated…it could be newly contracted or you could have it for years and suffer infertility…or not….

Answer #7

When you find a site of online psychics who are willing to answer this question come back and let us know.

Answer #8

Considering how easy chlymidia is to treat - its pretty stupid to not see your doctor and take care of it. Its just a prescription - thats it. You take some pills and voila, its gone. Also, a missing period doesnt mean your infertile, it can mean your pregnant though, since it seems your having sex without protection thats what i would assume is going on. You need to see a doctor ASAP either way. Chlymidia is easily treatable and taken care of, but if your pregnant and you dont, your risking harm to your body and your babies.

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