Health Questions

  1. How can I make my boobs bigger without surgery?
  2. How can I lose all this weight I gained from medication?
  3. How can I temporarily stop my period?
  4. Why do I have back pain and headaches?
  5. What's a healthy weight for my height?
  6. How can I stop my eating disoder?
  7. How can I cheer myself up when I'm depressed?
  8. When can you feel a baby's heartbeat?
  9. Should I go to the hospital for my depression?
  10. Do purple veins mean breast cancer?
  11. What is a healthy weight for me?
  12. Do I need to get another pregnancy test?
  13. How much should I weigh for this age and height?
  14. What meds can pregnant women take when they're sick?
  15. How do I become anorexic?
  16. How can I stop harming myself for good?
  17. Can you really get a high off of inhalents?
  18. How to recover after wisdom teeth are taken out?
  19. Do your boobs get bigger or smaller after breast feeding?
  20. Is it normal that I haven't started my period yet?
  21. Can Adderall make you hallucinate and kill you?
  22. How to treat a cut on my penis?
  23. How can I get a pregnancy test?
  24. Can you breastfeed if you have impants?
  25. Why does my stomach start to hurt when I eat?
  26. Can some foods help me throw up easier?
  27. How can I tell if I'm pregnant without a test?
  28. Why does my girlfriend have missing periods?
  29. How do I get alcohol to stop my cravings?
  30. Can I make myself grow taller?
  31. Can you get pregnant through your butt?
  32. Can I be pregnant if I just got my period?
  33. What is fun about losing weight?
  34. How can I get the state to believe that my siblings were abused?
  35. Do you think I'm pregnant?
  36. Did I have a miscarriage?
  37. How will minimum party drinking affect me?
  38. Why are tampons so hard to put in?
  39. What are ways to cope with stress?
  40. Is there a cure for insomnia?
  41. Is it normal to skip periods?
  42. How can I clear THC out of my system?
  43. How much taller am I going to get?
  44. How many times does it take to get pregnant?
  45. Is it possible that tampons don't fit?
  46. How can I stop cutting from the pain?
  47. Will suntan lotion prevent tanning?
  48. Why can't I get the tampon in all the way?
  49. How to refresh or restore AOL favorite places?
  50. How often should you floss?
  51. How to lose ten pounds?
  52. Can you be pregnant if you're on your period?
  53. What's the average weight for my age group?
  54. How do I make myself throw up?
  55. How can I make myself sick?
  56. Why do people want to become anorexic?
  57. Will not eating vegetables hurt me in the long run?
  58. How much should I weigh to be healthy?
  59. Do you want to be anorexic?
  60. Why is my head so itchy?
  61. Does this mean I'm getting my period soon?
  62. How do I insert in a tampon?
  63. Can I find out if I'm pregnant yet?
  64. Should I still be worried with a negative pregnancy test?
  65. Does wine before tequila make you sick?
  66. How do I stop cutting when I've been doing it forever?
  67. What is this burning and frequent peeing from?
  68. How do people manage life's difficulties?
  69. How can I become anorexic?
  70. Why is my girlfriend's period irregular?
  71. Why don't I have my period yet?
  72. Is a late cycle pregnancy?
  73. How can you stay an anorexic?
  74. Why am I having such bad cramps and black bumps?
  75. Is it bad that I enjoy my eating disorder?
  76. Could she get pregnant if I reused the condom?
  77. Is it unhealthy to be vegetarian?
  78. Can your face become immune to products like Proactiv?
  79. Is my belly button infected? (continued)
  80. How come we can't get pregnant?
  81. Can I be pregnant if I'm 16 days late?
  82. What should a teen preparing for pregnancy know?
  83. How can I relieve back pain?
  84. How do you get rid of stretchmarks?
  85. How can I stop crying, even when I'm not sad?
  86. What are some ways to relieve stress?
  87. Is it normal to bleed and have cramps after starting the pill?
  88. Should I be worried if she sometimes forgets The Pill?
  89. Do I have anorexia?
  90. Do your balls hurt when hitting puberty?
  91. How can a 13-year-old girl grow taller?
  92. How long does marijuana stay in your system?
  93. Does the Depo shot stop you from having kids forever?
  94. How can I soothe anxiety?
  95. Can you really get pregnant this way?
  96. Can I be pregnant at 16?
  97. Can I get pregnant while on the sugar pills of my birth control?
  98. Does HIV spread through saliva?
  99. Can someone overweight become anorexic?
  100. How long does it take to get pregnant?