Do you think I'm pregnant?

someone please help me i am 18 me and my bf had s*x on sunday july 15 and i am now having to go to the bathroom alot and i smoke but now when i do i get really light headed i have not thrown up or any thing i get tierd and stuff i need someone that might know please help me

Answer #1

First off……WHY are you having unprotected sex? If you dont want an unwanted pregnancy, then you need to take responsibility! There are NO symptoms that show up after only 3 days! You have to wait to see if you miss your next period. If you dont….great……..if you do, then you need to take a pregnancy test!!

Answer #2

No, we are not wrong about the symptoms of early pregnancy. I am aware that they may show up as early as one week. No one said anything to the contrary. We just told the original poster that her symptoms are not likely to be due to pregnancy since she started noticing them after only three days.

It is very common for women who are worrying about or hoping for pregnancy to trick themselves into thinking they have all kinds of symptoms!

Answer #3

P.S You guys are wrong on the symptoms as early as a week after conceiving you CAN tell based on breast soreness, adominal cramping, ect. We conceived our son on July 2nd and I just knew about July 5th that I was pregnant as I had a back ache, adominal cramping, breast soreness, ect. But I agree that you do not know 90% until you take a preggo test and then get a blood test done at your OB. Whatever you do–take care of yourself and USE PROTECTION if you are not in a longterm relationship or ready for children. Children take a lot of work, time, money and energy! GOOD LUCK!

Answer #4

ok, you should take a preggo test about 4 days before period is due. If it is neg..retest a week late. When you get a pos test make an appoint with your OB and to be safe DO NOT SMOKE or drink. The dev of the baby os soo soo imp the first 3 months. When would your period be due? Also, please seek help..planned parenthood is good. If you are pregnant– you need to do what is best for the baby. Hope this helps and let us know how everything goes.

God Bless!

Mommy of a 2 year old and trying for baby #2!

Answer #5

We cannot tell you if you are pregnant or not. Only a test can do that. Your symptoms could mean just about anything. Angel is right though, pregnancy symptoms do not show up this fast.

You should know this kind of stuff before even becoming sexually active. The more informed you are, the less likely you are to have accidents!

I suggest you stop smoking if you might be pregnant unless you would abort.

Also make sure you are using birth control every single time.

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