Health Questions

  1. Is circumcision necessary?
  2. Does your period hurt that bad at first?
  3. How to get them to leave me alone about eating?
  4. How do you get rid of a cold fast?
  5. How can I stop hurting myself?
  6. How to convince my Mom to buy a scale?
  7. Am I pregnant if I'm late and have cramps?
  8. What to expect at this doctor's appointment?
  9. Does Synergy Detox work to flush out THC?
  10. Is it normal to have one knot after a Vasectomy?
  11. How can I lose weight instead of becoming bulimic?
  12. Why am I bleeding in my urine after this injury?
  13. Is Hydrogen Peroxide supposed to burn?
  14. Is smoking causing my tight chest?
  15. Can I go to the Doctor without a Medicare card?
  16. How do I tell my Mom how depressed I get?
  17. Can I get help without my parents knowing?
  18. Why do I feel depressed?
  19. What's a good lie for throwing up?
  20. Why is my vagina really fat at the top?
  21. Do I have a yeast infection?
  22. How can I clean my system in 24 hours?
  23. Why do I feel like this when I smoke pot?
  24. Am I becoming anorexic?
  25. Why do I have discharge before my period?
  26. What's the best way to clean out your system?
  27. How do I get rid of white warts on my toe?
  28. How much do the doctors have to tell my parents?
  29. How can I get over my fear of the doctor?
  30. Does anyone have bulimia tips?
  31. Am I anemic?
  32. Why does my hair keep falling out and how can I fix it?
  33. Do any other girls on here have big feet?
  34. What is wrong with my niece?
  35. What to do if my friend is cutting herself?
  36. Should I go on birth control for periods if I might gain weight?
  37. How can I help my friend with Social Anxiety Disorder?
  38. What can I eat to lower my blood pressure?
  39. Is there a way to fix color blindness?
  40. Where are these cold sores coming from?
  41. What is happening to me while I sleep?
  42. What's this bubble in my cheek?
  43. Why do girls think anorexia is glamorous?
  44. How do I break my toe?
  45. How do I fix this stress I have?
  46. What will happen to my future if I develop anorexia?
  47. What weight should I be at 4'11''?
  48. What should I do if I'm a cutter and suicidal?
  49. Does the Pill affect your chances at pregnancy in the future?
  50. What's the best way to die?
  51. Can you get an STD if you're both virgins?
  52. How can I feel more happy?
  53. What to do if I'm 15 and might be pregnant?
  54. What are the chances I'm pregnant?
  55. How fast do kidney stones grow?
  56. Will I be tall like my grandparents?
  57. Why do I cry all the time for no reason?
  58. Can you get pregnant while not on your period?
  59. Why is my period two months late?
  60. Can you really get cancer from a TV remote?
  61. Could I be pregnant because I'm craving healthy food?
  62. What if my pregnant girlfriend is being a jerk?
  63. What if my friend's boyfriend got another girl pregnant?
  64. What's the right way to increase my weight?
  65. How can I stop being so shy?
  66. Should we have a baby when I'm 13?
  67. What's a thirod and what does it do?
  68. How can I stop my bulimia?
  69. Why do people judge anorexics?
  70. Can you be pregnant and still have your period?
  71. What is the cause of a lump behind your ear?
  72. What over the counter medicine will help me sleep?
  73. Does pickle juice get weed out of your system?
  74. How can I control myself when people are mean to me?
  75. How do I control my anger?
  76. How do you make yourself vomit?
  77. Who can help me not be depressed?
  78. Does the hymen separate the vaginal wall in virgins?
  79. Does anyone find it hard to meditate or read like me?
  80. How to get rid of a wart?
  81. How to do you not get sick?
  82. Is this a sign of pregnancy or the medicine I'm taking?
  83. How can I correct one broad hip?
  84. Can I get pregnant on the second week of my period?
  85. What do I do if I'm itchy down there?
  86. Is there a way to stop this itching down there?
  87. Can there be any damage from Tylenol?
  88. How can I get my friend to stop cutting?
  89. Am I anorexic?
  90. Why am I very dark down there?
  91. Why are so many teens worried about pregnancy?
  92. Is it safe to gain this weight while pregnant?
  93. Why do I feel dizzy during my period this month?
  94. How can I know when I'm supposed to ovulate?
  95. Is it harmful to ejaculate daily?
  96. Am I fat at this height and weight?
  97. How can I stop being so self-conscious?
  98. Is this self-mutilation?
  99. Is there a cure for having nightmares?
  100. Is there a hole forming in one of my front teeth?