Health Questions

  1. Is anyone bulimic?
  2. What kind of anti-depressants should I use?
  3. How to quietly deal with depression?
  4. Anyone diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma?
  5. How can I get my voice back?
  6. Does anyone else have psychosis?
  7. Why is my Dad's neck swollen?
  8. What causes headaches?
  9. How to stop taking Vicodin?
  10. How to get rid of a stuffy nose?
  11. What's the best way to detox?
  12. Can I still get my yeast infection treated?
  13. How do you get sober quickly?
  14. What if I get my period before my dates?
  15. How could I be pregnant if I haven't had a period?
  16. What's this sore bump on my leg?
  17. Should I keep poking at my toothache?
  18. Could I have meningitis?
  19. Why must I stay in hospital?
  20. Has anyone on here gotten lipodissolve injections?
  21. Why hasn't a fracture been diagnosed?
  22. How to correct a lazy eye?
  23. What's the earliest pregnancy symptom?
  24. How to increase my metabolism?
  25. How to stop hitting myself?
  26. How to feel better from a bad cough?
  27. How to know if I'm bipolar?
  28. How to gain weight so I look my age?
  29. What's this chunky discharge?
  30. Can I be pregnant if i'm not eating as much and feeling nauseas?
  31. What's causing my Breathing problems?
  32. What are panic attacks?
  33. How to stop cutters?
  34. Can you get a tattoo while pregnant?
  35. Why can I still feel it happening?
  36. Why was there blood in my stool?
  37. Will I get over my depression?
  38. Should I switch to Adderall for ADHD?
  39. How to control my anger issues?
  40. How can I tell someone I was raped?
  41. Do I have anything wrong with my health?
  42. Will I ever be able to have more children?
  43. Is it Yeast on my inner thigh?
  44. How do you make a homemade pregnancy test?
  45. What does breast tenderness feel like while pregnant?
  46. Should I get a blood test to make sure I'm not pregnant?
  47. When is it anorexia?
  48. Why do I always pass out?
  49. Ear popping?
  50. Normal for a man's penis to smell like fish?
  51. Why am I happy in school but sad at home?
  52. Why am I in constant pain?
  53. Are all birth controls only by prescription?
  54. How to tell if you have a broken foot?
  55. Can Citalopram cause breast tenderness?
  56. How do I get people to leave me alone about my weight?
  57. Can I be Pregnant?
  58. What is this medication called Reductil?
  59. What does this abnormal period mean?
  60. How to reduce the urges to cut?
  61. How to sober up when needed?
  62. Can I get pregnant if I'm still leaking milk?
  63. How to pass a urine test using cranberry pills?
  64. Will my feet grow?
  65. What if I've got a lot of hair?
  66. Am I anorexic ?
  67. How to get help for an eating disorder?
  68. Is there a hormone that causes breast tenderness?
  69. What's this lump on my stomach?
  70. What are the best sports to lose weight?
  71. Why am I fine on speed and ill on pro plus?
  72. Is constant peeing normal in pregnancy?
  73. How to know if the condom has ripped?
  74. Can I be pregnant if we had clothes on?
  75. What is causing my rashes?
  76. How do I know if I'm pregnant?
  77. How to calculate ovulation?
  78. How can my little sister play sports with a pad?
  79. Can I take the morning after pill two days later?
  80. How to get weed out your system?
  81. How to get rid of the common cold?
  82. Do you think I'm pregnant?
  83. How Do I Stop Them Copying Me With This Serious Stuff?
  84. Can you take a pregnancy test after a week?
  85. Can Doctors restore your hymen?
  86. How do you know if your hymen is broken?
  87. Do you count from the start or end of your period?
  88. Why is my period so light and short?
  89. Is it normal to get your period while pregnant?
  90. Epileptic Seizure symptoms?
  91. When do you start vomiting from pregnancy?
  92. How are you feeling today?
  93. Does a short period mean I'm pregnant?
  94. Do you gain weight from anti-depressants?
  95. How to tell a teacher about my self harm?
  96. How to stop my depression?
  97. Can I buy the Pill without a prescription?
  98. Is it safe if he ejaculates on my breasts?
  99. Is it bad that I lied to get out of rehab?
  100. What are roxies?